New Member
Hey guys,
Been lurking on the forums for a while now and the time has come to purchase an e-bike!
I’m looking for something in the lightweight variety and have narrowed it down for a few options. Fluid VLT 140, Transition Relay, and Devinci E-Troy Lite. I was dead set on getting a Relay until reading about the reliability issues on here. Now I’m leaning towards something with the Bosch SX motor. Another option that I have considered is to wait for norcos new Sight CX, but that’s getting a little farther away from the ‘lightweight’ category even though it’s on the lighter side of the bikes with the full size motors.
I know the Fluid VLT is more aimed at the market as a trail bike but I would probably throw a 160mm fork on and possibly a coil in the rear. I know it’s a little against the bikes design but I feel like that would be a good sweet spot for the bike. Slackens the head tube angle a little and provides a little more squish.
Thanks guys!
Been lurking on the forums for a while now and the time has come to purchase an e-bike!
I’m looking for something in the lightweight variety and have narrowed it down for a few options. Fluid VLT 140, Transition Relay, and Devinci E-Troy Lite. I was dead set on getting a Relay until reading about the reliability issues on here. Now I’m leaning towards something with the Bosch SX motor. Another option that I have considered is to wait for norcos new Sight CX, but that’s getting a little farther away from the ‘lightweight’ category even though it’s on the lighter side of the bikes with the full size motors.
I know the Fluid VLT is more aimed at the market as a trail bike but I would probably throw a 160mm fork on and possibly a coil in the rear. I know it’s a little against the bikes design but I feel like that would be a good sweet spot for the bike. Slackens the head tube angle a little and provides a little more squish.
Thanks guys!
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