
  1. H

    RideControlGo powers off mid-Firmware Update

    Hi all, my RideControlGo unit is in red blinking mode after a firmware downgrade. I have an additional EW-EN100 plugged into a spare Di2 port on my Revolt E+ 2022 with a Shimano EP8. The firmware downgrade of the EP8 from 4.1.9 to 4.0.2 was done with no issues with an older version e-tube...
  2. M

    St unlocker problem

    Hi all I need help with st unlocker!!! I’ve got a canyon spectral on 8.0. E8000 I have down loaded app and can connect via Bluetooth but can’t quite workout how to down grade firmware. Obvs I’m looking for the market change to US but it won’t let me unless I’m missing something obvious??? Do I...
  3. EClayton4

    Shimano E7000 Slow Speed, Wrong Wheel Circumference? STUnlocker to fix?

    Hey, I’ve tried looking for an answer but I’m still unsure so figured I’d just ask, I apologize if there is a thread already - I’ve looked throughly but can’t find a concrete answer. Im in Canada and my Shimano E7000 (Norco Sight VLT) should be able to reach speeds of 32km. My SCE7000 is...