
  1. Nonboschfan

    Error 550 after 6 months warranty

    Hi, everyone I have a question I got an error 550 already taken to a dealer. Bosch said I need an new motor. But the bike works completely normal. But the screen (Bosch kiosk) won’t charge and ones is died you can’t use the bike. Does any body have a solutions. Because i am not going to €600 for...
  2. T

    Orbea Rise Issue

    Hi all, Ive had a Rise for less than a week, amazing bikes, lots of fun. Issue is, the chain ring has snapped, so the fun has stopped. its completley come off the crank, the inner part is still there, mounted to the crank and is still attached, and the whole outta peice has come off. anyone...
  3. T

    Loss of power in Walk Mode, then no assist...

    Yesterday I went out for a ride. On 2 occasions I used walk mode to climb a steep, loose piece of trail. On both occasions, the walk mode worked for a few meters, but then totally stopped assisting. I made it up onto rideable trail, and could cycle through assist modes using the remote...