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  1. KeithR

    Post Brexit Import/Export awareness

    Christ, the histrionic hyperbole of Brexiteers - it's like the OTT "death to the west..!" crap that used to come out of Osama Bin Laden and Kim Jong-un... OK, you reckon you're done on the subject (yeah, right... because moderate Kwitters are A Thing...) so a couple of "easy" questions for you...
  2. KeithR

    Post Brexit Import/Export awareness

    Oh, the irony... Not exactly given to careful introspection, are you? And "opinion" doesn't beat facts - no matter how hard you try to pretend they don't exist because they dump all over your deluded, unsupportable anti-EU narrative...
  3. KeithR

    Post Brexit Import/Export awareness

    No, it bloody won't, Steve - that's exactly the kind of "Unicorns and Sunlit Uplands" Magical Thinking (and I really want people to read the first two links there - never too late to learn...) that put us in this toilet in the first place. The reality is that it's going to get much, much worse...
  4. KeithR

    Post Brexit Import/Export awareness

    Another utterly irrelevant Strawman. Those were the rules of the "club" we joined, and we joined willingly, fully aware of the implications of membership.
  5. KeithR

    Post Brexit Import/Export awareness

    And Kwitters wonder why we think they're thick... Demonstrable, clearly evidenced facts are just that: that they're negatives too, is only an issue because of the lying dipshits that have inflicted them on the UK in the first place.
  6. KeithR

    Post Brexit Import/Export awareness

    Grow up, Steve. Comparing Brexit to WWII is an arsehole trick beloved of truth-allergic Daily Mail bigots, and I figured you were better than that - your self-righteous, personally-affronted tone doesn't sit well at all with the facts of the matter. As to "apparently it is illegal..." - it has...
  7. KeithR

    Post Brexit Import/Export awareness

    Allow me. There will be none. Let's unpick the much-vaunted motivations for Brexit, eh? Not even the anti-immigration xenophobes will get their own way, because we'll just replace EU migrant labour with workers from elsewhere in the world; At best we will only be able to replace the trade...
  8. KeithR

    Post Brexit Import/Export awareness

    Everything wrong with Brexiteer bullshit, right there... Rather than continue to defend the little bit of Brexit you feel comfortable with spinning, let's just talk about one little practical point which gives the lie to all the pro-Brexit crap I've read here so far. There are shortly going to...
  9. KeithR

    Classic Rock / Electric Blues / Alternative

    Nice to see Johnny Depp filling some of his free time on keyboards...
  10. KeithR

    Covid: A boring responsibility question ?

    There's your problem - he thinks nothing of the sort. His sort have been pimping the populist, nationalist BS lie of British (more accurately, English) Exceptionalism for so long, that they actually believe it. That, and a genetically predisposed inability to take responsibility for the...
  11. KeithR

    Driving to Holland ? Dont even think of taking a ham sandwich?

    This was another known, foreseen "benefit" of Brexit - Third Countries have long been prohibited from bringing POAO into the EU. It's even explicitly covered on the website: And the Dutch officer wasn't "smirking" - despite what Sky's bollocks, biased reporting says. If anything he...
  12. KeithR

    Post Brexit Import/Export awareness

    So much for "not political"... :mad:
  13. KeithR

    Aggressive dogs

    That's what known as a false equivalence. My presence on a trail does not mean that someone is going to end up in hospital with a torn-up leg because I was completely out of control and bit a chunk out of their calf...
  14. KeithR


    Keep your political illiteracy to yourself and off this forum, mate. Every single shitty thing that has happened in the world in my lifetime has happened because there's not enough of these things.
  15. KeithR

    F1 - The Grosjean Crash

    But it wasn't head-on - it was a very oblique angle, which makes the accident even harder to fathom.
  16. KeithR

    Aggressive dogs

    If that guy had let that happen in front of me, I would - no question about it - have punched his lights out. (Again, that's the wildlife photographer in me talking.)
  17. KeithR

    Aggressive dogs

    No, the first course of action is to keep the bloody things on their leads if that's the only way to make them behave.
  18. KeithR

    Aggressive dogs

    I don't agree with him at all. In the UK, dog owners are under an unambiguous legal obligation to keep their dogs under "close control". If they can't - or won't - do that, fuck them, and their dogs. And I speak as an out-and-out dog lover. I fecking hate dog owners, though... Try being a...