Hi Guys, Im in the market for a full face helmet after watching my mate put his bottom teeth through his lip this week!
Fancy something that I can remove the face guard on for normal day to day rides.
I'm leaning towards the Bell Super DH Mips.
Any advice or opinions would be really...
The 1.3 and 2.1 are very different motors unlike the 1.2 and 1.3.
The 2.1 is a complete redesign, the fact it's made of Magnesium not Aluminium like the 1.3 is the least of the differences.
I think the naming convention is slightly confusing, S-ALU and S-MAG suggest that they are very similar...
Slightly off topic but thought I'd share my latest creation! I needed somewhere safe, secure and out of the way to store my Kenevo. This is what I came up with :)
I really like the matte sections on my Kenevo. You are correct though it's not quite as matte as the original finish but its certainly doesn't look our of place. I'd say it almost adds to the look.
I fitted it to my Kenevo 2 day's ago, I go the kit with the matt and gloss to match the finish of the bike (black). Really impressed with the final results. Massive pain in the ..... to fit. Id advised against doing it yourself unless you're previous experience of this type of job. If you've...
Thanks for your comments guys, So basically anything with the 2.1 motor is sending info back to the Mother Ship? 1.2/1.3 motors aren't?
Incidentally is the 1.3 motor a Brose S motor? I've been looking for a timeline of the motor development to try and get an understanding of what I actually...
Berm out for a proper spin tonight, yes the speed restriction has definitely changed! As mentioned the Mission Control app now reads the wrong speed while the BLEVO app speed is correct.
Any ideas if there are any other consequences to making this change i.e. if the motor is being tricked into...
Hi guys, I've just downloaded the BLEVO app and notice that there is a speed option (see pic) does anyone know what this setting is for? It's my understanding that its not possible to increase the boost speed above 25kmh. I haven't had chance to get out on the bike yet and see if changing it...