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  1. nickbeeton

    Strava Segments / How to copy non ebike segments?

    Ok I *think* I've fixed this now, update it on tampermonkey (click on the tampermonkey icon on the browser then click "Check for userscript updates", and it should update to version 0.6.4. Test it out for me and let me know if everything's back to normal... so glad that people are using this :)
  2. nickbeeton

    Strava Segments / How to copy non ebike segments?

    Hmm I don't know... and it still does nothing if you wait for a few seconds? Try opening the console (usually Ctrl-Shift-I) and let me know if any errors have come up.
  3. nickbeeton

    Strava Segments / How to copy non ebike segments?

    I just tested it myself (it'd been a while, and I had a long ride somewhere new to try it out on) and looks like it! I'd appreciate if anyone else could confirm, but it also looks like they've taken away the 10 new segments a day limit...? I think the script got through at least 20 before I got...
  4. nickbeeton

    Strava Segments / How to copy non ebike segments?

    Hmm, have you turned popup and ad blockers off? That might fix it. If not, I might need some more details of the error
  5. nickbeeton

    Strava Segments / How to copy non ebike segments?

    Hmm ok, what's it doing when you run it? If you can, let me know what it says on the console (ctrl+shift+I or f12 brings it up). Will try to fix today
  6. nickbeeton

    Strava Segments / How to copy non ebike segments?

    Hmm don't know why that's not updating. Anyway 0.5.1 should still hopefully work fine. If it doesn't work, just run it again.
  7. nickbeeton

    Strava Segments / How to copy non ebike segments?

    Hi Robin et al. The script unfortunately stopped working once Strava updated their webpage. I think/hope I've fixed it now - if you go to Tampermonkey and click on "Check for userscript updates" it should update it automatically. To make sure, go to installed userscripts and make sure it's at...
  8. nickbeeton

    Strava Segments / How to copy non ebike segments?

    Hi Robin (and Zoltan - sorry I didn't see your post!), It's stopped working for some reason and I've been too busy to fix it - I'll try to get to it when I can, update the script and report back. Cheers Nick
  9. nickbeeton

    Strava Segments / How to copy non ebike segments?

    Yep, should do! Glad it worked for you :) feel free to share it around if you know others it'd be useful for, I mainly made this for myself ? and I don't know many other ebike riders.
  10. nickbeeton

    Strava Segments / How to copy non ebike segments?

    In the absence of Strava doing something on their own, I've written a little javascript user script to automate the process of copying bike segments on a ride to ebike segments. I'm a programmer but not a javascript expert, so sorry for any bugs - it works for me, at least! Don't panic if the...