Thanks a lot for the answer!
Did they mention anything about the cause of the issue and what exactly got defective in the device ?
Did the new MM TCU2 device needed to be programmed by the local shop?
Or was it a straight swap ?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Hello. I saw you had a problem with mastermind tcu on your Specialized e-bike. The fuzzy screen problem. Did you manage to find the cause? Can you please let me know what was the problem and did you solve it?
I have the same issue on my dispaly. And I am curious how could be fixed and how long...
Thanks a lot Ou812 for your reply. So it's clear now this is possible.
Now the question is : Did he change the firmware of the motor and/or battery in order to be able to communicate with the older TCU ? Or it's just a straight job. Pop-out the MasterMind , pop-in the old TCU1 .
If anyone knows...
Has anyone realy tried meanwhile to swap MasterMind TCU with older TCU1 on newer bikes ?
I'm curios if it's realy possible . Because in case the new one dies and bike is out of warranty , one solution would be to put TCU1 because it's cheaper and easyer to find.
Hello pgtips,
Did you manage to find the cause and solve the issue ?
Happened the same thing on my Turbo Levo SL.
And I'm currios to find out how can I solve this or if it gets worse over time or if the MasterMind TCU gets totally unusable at a certain point in time. So I should get prepared...