Hi and thank you for your response!
I took out the battery and I released the two cables which are connected to the TCU.
I had two different cases:
1st: I close the Power Plug, the LED's on the TCU where starting up, all where lit (no flashing), above was Trail Mode. After a few seconds all got...
Hi there
Was on a ride on sunday, the bike switched off two times. Could start i both times immediatley. Pluged it at home, fully charged it, and then couldn't start it again. When I close the Power Plug (the thing that i have to close after I pluged the cable on :-)), the TCU beeps, the lights...
Hi there
Have ridden the 2019 Turbo Levo Comp FSR (Alloy) on my local trails last weekend and was impressed, loved every second! Brought it back to my local bike dealer and thought I would buy it. He has also a 2018 S-Works Turbo Levo FSR and would sell it for a bit more than 1000$ more than...