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  1. W

    Jam2 issue (2019 Shimano)

    connected battery up to bike this morning,done it without inserting battery in frame to test, unfortunately a failure, when you try to power it up the battery level indicator on the battery lights up but will not complete turn on, works fine with a good battery. new battery on way
  2. W

    Jam2 issue (2019 Shimano)

    thanks any help is appreciated, a bit of a shame to ditch a good battery, but really only good for cells if bcm gone :)
  3. W

    Jam2 issue (2019 Shimano)

    Thanks all charged fine more useful coments and vid here
  4. W

    Jam2 issue (2019 Shimano) all comments and a vid posted here struggled to attach video here thx
  5. W

    Jam2 issue (2019 Shimano)

    interesting I will keep informed on progress any help appreciated
  6. W

    Jam2 issue (2019 Shimano)

    Thanks, I have tried this awaiting time to put back together, I will attach a vid, interesting battery voltage is good, almost to good, thinking of draining some off ? maybe overvoltage cut out ? just putting it out there, a shame battery appears fine, just battery control module thats crook...
  7. W

    new to group

    Hi to all I ride a focus Jam2 and husband a Levo, mainly ride trails in New Zealand, Great Fun! Great taste trail, Alps To Ocean, Clutha Gold Trail, as well as a few easier tracks.
  8. W

    Jam2 issue (2019 Shimano)

    Hi folks new to this forum hoping someone can help, my focus jam2 2019 charged last night all good, this morning it wont turn on, tried many things hold power button for 30sec push many times , brought back home and plugged in charger, blue power light lights up then dims, charger clicks and...