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    Giant Trance X e+ Pro 29 - Whats your Ride Control App settings ?

    Re the above setting from @ trailaddict, thanks very much. I have had a Trance Advanced E+ 2 for a couple of months now and for 1 x month using stock settings and mainly "Active" mode I was horribly disappointed with both range and the horrible lag when the assist kicked in (so unpredictable)...
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    Battery Life - 2023 Trance X Advanced E+ Elite

    Great feedback and thanks for taking the time to report. I am currently sitting on the fence between the Elite and standard E Trance and just wanting to see some real time ranges in different scenario's before I pull the trigger on my first EMTB. (y)
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    Ha ha, but my wife is from your island (y)
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    Gday, Great forum with loads of info, hopefully I can contribute. I live and ride in the hills of rural Victoria, Australia. Currently have an analouge 2020 Giant Trance 2 (which I love) and am 90% of the way to pulling the trigger on an EMTB for my longer w/end rides. Cheers.