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  1. kezcelm

    But in the meantime I had other not working batteries, and this workaround not working on them...

    But in the meantime I had other not working batteries, and this workaround not working on them. So maybe there is some other issues. Also I installed 3rd party BMS in one battery. I remover all original electronic and connect only + and - to bike and it works but ridecontrol showing "Battery...
  2. kezcelm

    Hi, I used this battery only once (charge to 100% and run couple of kilometers) and sold it. But...

    Hi, I used this battery only once (charge to 100% and run couple of kilometers) and sold it. But it worked ok, and new buyer also not report any problems. First I shorted the connectors on the outside of the case with piece of copper wire. When I saw that it will work I connect wires inside case.
  3. kezcelm

    DIY - Custom range extender

    Hi, what bike do You have? I try to connect 3rd party battery to my giant trance '19 and it looks that motor is working ok but there is a battery error on ridecontrol. I'm sure this is because lack of canbus messages from battery, because when I short connect only Can_H & Can_L to bike from...
  4. kezcelm

    Energypak 500/625 Wh issue

    No, before shorting pins batteries works as I describe on the beginning. After that everything look normal.
  5. kezcelm

    Energypak 500/625 Wh issue

    I'm start counting from left :) Now I know that all pins are signed (- 1 2 3 4 +) but I want to name them consequently in this thread. Backing to Your question, yes I'm shorting "red 2" from the picture. @Nobrks this walkaround works also for charging. Probably some mosfet is damaged and not...
  6. kezcelm

    Energypak 500/625 Wh issue

    Hi, I checked batteris and it's like @Nobrks mentioned. Whole BMS is in silicone and there is no chance to replace anything. But when I plugged in battery with connected pins 5&6 (from left) bike is started and everything looks ok. RideControl is connecting with app and all data from battery...
  7. kezcelm

    Hi. No I don't speak russian. Why do you want to contact me directly?

    Hi. No I don't speak russian. Why do you want to contact me directly?
  8. kezcelm

    Energypak 500/625 Wh issue

    I talked to the local giant but they didn't help. They say that it's a common problem and replace battery instead of fixing them. But I found that when I connect together pin 5&6 (from left) and connect them to 41.8v from charger, batteries are charging normally :) So I'm sure that they not...
  9. kezcelm

    Energypak 500/625 Wh issue

    I bought them without any guarantee on OLX(Polish eBay) with hope that at least one will be usable. Price was very bargain, so even if I won't fix them its not big deal. And of course knowledge is priceless :D While digging in the internet I found info that there was some problems with firmware...
  10. kezcelm

    Energypak 500/625 Wh issue

    yes, I'm 100% sure, because with different battery, charger works fine.
  11. kezcelm

    Energypak 500/625 Wh issue

    Hi, I got 3 inoperative Giant Energypak batteries. In all of them, 2 LEDs charge indicators are lighting. But when I plug the charger nothings happen (no matter if battery is in bike or not), and LED in charging is lighting red, when it should be flashing green. I checked the voltage on...
  12. kezcelm

    Hi from Myslenice, Poland

    Hi, Tatry are National Park and riding bike/e-bike is banned almost everywhere. But in lower mountains we have quite a lot of trails :) Mapa tras – Enduro Trails Bielsko-Biala region Myślenice Singletracks there are also some unofficial trails and new are planned to open :)
  13. kezcelm

    Hi from Myslenice, Poland

    Hello all, greetings from my local tracks on Chelm and Uklejna mountains :)