At about 1500 miles my 2021 Rail 7 had a couple of unexpected shutoffs riding rough terrain. I isolated the problem to the female terminal springs for the ground (-) connection in the battery. Those two springs which grab the (-) tab on the bike were visually separated compared to other...
Roy, thanks for your offer and I will take you up on that! I had previously offered, but I'm headed out to Moab UT tomorrow for a week or so and it appears to be crunch time on this. Happy to pay Arron 1st and venmo you the US shipping later.
I'm an older rider who likes to ride technical trails in the mountains and deserts of Colorado and Utah. Just bought a used Rail 7 with 197 miles on it and slightly worn original Bontrager XR5 Team Issue 2.6" tires. Yep, the tires that are pretty consistently mentioned as a weak point of the...
Hi Everyone,
I've been riding MTBs for over 25ish years and just got a Trek Rail 7 to add a new dimension. Looking forward to the forum and I hope our bikes cross paths on the trail!
(disclaimer: not an EMT, just an older EMTB rider)