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  1. R

    Vitus E-Mythique LT Enduro EMTB - Bargain of the year

    I got mine too! No complaints with ArrowXL’s communication once they decided to deliver the bike. Had a few issues initially with the bike not powering up - seemed that the battery needed to be woken from sleep mode. I’ve yet to do anything more than a ride around the block as I’m waiting for it...
  2. R

    Vitus E-Mythique LT Enduro EMTB - Bargain of the year

    So after two refusals from ArrowXL to deliver the bike they are going to try for a third time tomorrow. According to CRC/Wiggle they have 'sorted out' their issues with the delivery companies. I've even had a call from ArrowXL confirming the delivery window, so I'm feeling strangely optimistic...