SIMPLO Online sale Simplo Integrated Battery MTB 630 Wh black
E8000 vie chodit aj s 625Wh bateriami, nielen s 500Wh
napriklad slovensky vyrobca KELLYS ma shimano motory ale pouziva baterie BMZ
a aj ROCK MACHINE uz pouziva DARFON baterie
prepac za neskorsiu reakciu, ale nenasiel som si skorej cas..
takze co som vykukal na internete, tak alternativne baterie na E8000
in the case, that my ebike has still the same range on road, even though battery health shows anything, I'm not crying here and I'm just riding a bike in the mountains ..
Yes. Of course, I see a shorter range.
Since I often drive the same circuit (25 km uphill 1000 altitude meters and then back 20 km down),
I know the following: In the first months of ebike, I passed this circuit twice on one charge
(one day circuit, and then the next day again and only then...
As i wrote recently, i have two ebike. I give here a summary of how I stand.
Unfortunately both ebikes I have with Shimano BT-E8035 batteries:
MERIDA eBIGnine E7000 1600km 20cycles 87% healty
CTM E8000 4500km 50cycles 80% healty
Although they each have a different...
tiez si myslim ze to je problem FW v tej baterii, a dufal som ze nejakou novou verziou FW ta bateria "ozije".....
ja mam dva odlisne motory., ale bateria sa chova rovnako pri oboch...
inak cital som tento thread uz minuly rok (niekedy v lete), aj som sa bavil s predajcom, ze asi bude nejaky problem s tou bateriou a dohodli sme sa ze nech v lete/jesen este s nou jazdim a ze ju skusime vyreklamovat v zime..
Len teraz neviem ci to ma zmysel.... Predajca hovoril, ze by musel...
dik. za info,. zajtra (ak mi to vide casom) ti urcite zavolam
sam som na seba nastvany, ze som si kupil 2 bicykle s tou baterkou..
som myslel, ze to musi byt nejaka chyba v SW (lebo nie je mozne aby fyzicky odisli články)
is there really no Chinese alternative to the BT-8035?
I have two ebike with BT-8035 ;(( Each with different motor (E8000 and E7000) but degradation issue is same on both ebikes.