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  1. geckonia

    Bosch CX Gen 4 shutting down while fast ride

    Yup that’s the one ☝🏼 I did.
  2. geckonia

    Bosch CX Gen 4 shutting down while fast ride

    Hello! I’m adding some info here in case anyone has this issue with their Powerfly. Mine did this too… shutting off over a bumpy section of trail every time I rode that spot. I re-adjusted the battery clips… that hold it in the frame and it stopped doing that. So maybe just loosen the bolts and...
  3. geckonia

    Has anyone else had this problem with Bosch CX motor?

    I had an issue with my motor stuttering around 19mph and the display acting erratically… flipped the magnet on the hub from arching up to arching down and that resolved it.