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  1. P


    Carparks will all be fine. Trailwise nothing closed until Saturday, but taping might start earlier. Last year the official suspension of right to roam thingy covered the whole forest, so no early clues there. Haven't seen one this year. Can confirm that the new Big Baw extension (apparently...
  2. P

    2021 e sommet head set bearings

    Probably in through the cable routing holes, its then got nowhere to escape and just sits there. There wasn't any obvious grease around the bearing cartridges, there is now though. The bike did take a good amount of wet riding this year, and was left too long after the EWS which really didn't...
  3. P

    2021 e sommet head set bearings

    I paid for mine, should have gone for the warranty, but to be fair I put the bike away wet after EWS and didn’t touch it until a couple of weeks ago. Top and bottom both seized solid and replaced
  4. P

    2021 e sommet head set bearings

    The block thingy for the steering limited won’t let you get the bearing out sadly. New cup assembly needed but available direct from acros website. Hopefully the top one is ok- that requires all the cables/hoses disconnected to replace… Hateful thing
  5. P


    Not been in here for a while and remembered this ride from the summer- I miss riding in daylight!
  6. P

    EWS-E Tweed Valley

    Nope, just the first one- stage 10 was only used for the second time round loop 1. They did stage 1 twice but it was only timed the first time through
  7. P

    EWS-E Tweed Valley

    1 loop, have you see the maps? We did loop 1 but missed out stage 3, then over to loop 2 for stage 6. Stage 1 was grim, 2 ok but not the most fun trail, the others were quite fun but they were the easier trails used
  8. P

    EWS-E Tweed Valley

    No timed transitions, but the stages do close sharpish and the guidelines don't allow much rest. We only just avoided a time penalty for being late back too. I was pretty much out of battery by the finish (630Wh Shimano), about 2 miles range left (and the EP8 is optimistic about range), I was...
  9. P

    EWS-E Tweed Valley

    Depends on the charge speed- I would expect 2-3 hours between loops 1 and 3 for charging, if that helps! The 100 is a monster of a day though, and having to be battery careful would not be fun. I'm switching the other way and riding the 80 next year- I didn't really enjoy the transitions, they...
  10. P

    EWS-E Tweed Valley

    I know, normally use a chin mount but they're banned at EWS. Had to use a breakaway on top and I buggered up the angles!
  11. P

    EWS-E Tweed Valley

    Stage 6 3G Gutted that I forgot to film stage 1!
  12. P

    EWS-E Tweed Valley

    Stage five raw footage
  13. P

    EWS-E Tweed Valley

    Well that was fun, but tough.The hardest part was the transitions- I’m in two minds about whether the transitions should be made tough just to make a harder loop. I reckon I’d have preferred small climbs mid stage, easy transitions and one more stage.. 7th out of nine in Vets, but I was...
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    EWS-E Tweed Valley

  15. P

    EWS-E Tweed Valley

    Jump at the bottom of stage 5 and 14 EWS-E, and 1 and 6 for EWS
  16. P

    EWS-E Tweed Valley

    I can imagine- drove up the granites today and there was a lot of vans parked up. Weather is looking quite 'scottish' for the whole week
  17. P

    EWS-E Tweed Valley

    Yup, Chris Ball, can't read tonight! I'm closer to your age- half century in a couple of weeks- it was my brother that knew Andy- I think he must be 42-43 now- brother turned 40 a couple of years ago. I dabbled in DH, but finances were tight back then. I think the last race I did was the...
  18. P

    EWS-E Tweed Valley

    Polo fields(y) Only recently met Chris, was out in GT and he passed me on a climb so I said Hello. He was just out showing his pal Iago (Garay) around the local trails.. Was that the Uphill/Downhill at the Golfie organised by the bike Coop? Mass star on the forest road up to the turn off to...
  19. P

    EWS-E Tweed Valley

    Colinton- mostly rode pentlands, before there were any trails! He was friends with my brother in primary school, used to come round to ours to play when he was 5-6 yo