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  1. H

    Fuel EXe Trek Fuel EXe Megathread!

    Update on motor noise. Still there. Trek said to keep riding up to 100-200mi and see if it fixes itself. At about 50mi now. On my last ride, after climbing in highest power on gravel road for 15 min. on an 80deg day, the motor gradually got quiet and stayed that way for remainder of climb...
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    Fuel EXe Trek Fuel EXe Megathread!

    There's no noise when motor is turned off, or with motor turned on and no load. I was able to produce the noise on the bike stand by applying the rear brake for some resistance. I dunno, maybe they forgot to add gear oil? ;-). Every once in awhile the motor goes dead silent, seemingly at...
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    Fuel EXe Trek Fuel EXe Megathread!

    Grinder/growler noise from TQ motor on brand new EXe 9.8 XT (US purchase). Other new bike in shop does not make this noise. LBS is in touch with Trek, no word back yet after a couple of weeks.
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    Levo SL Gen 1 Official Levo SL Thread

    Yep on a 2020. New motor after about three weeks. Torque sensor went out. Walk mode still worked but no power otherwise. Took about a month to get a new motor, been solid since.
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    Levo SL Gen 1 New Bike Day! 21 SL

    Same here. Window, doors, and vents taped up
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    Levo SL Gen 1 New Bike Day! 21 SL

    Have you had a chance to check the tune ID? I just picked up a DPX2 off a stumpy evo, tune DNHR. Curious about the difference. Hope you are dodging the smoke in WA
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    Levo SL Gen 1 Levo SL sudden power loss

    Well a month and a half later I now have a new motor. Hopefully this one lasts longer than three weeks. I haven’t heard too much about others having major problems with the SL motor so hopefully it’s an isolated case.
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    Levo SL Gen 1 Levo SL sudden power loss

    Thanks for the suggestion. Power settings were can't find anything wrong and has ordered a speed sensor
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    Levo SL Gen 1 Levo SL sudden power loss

    Experienced a sudden power loss a few miles into a ride with ~90% battery. Mission control showed no problems with batteries or motor. TCU LEDs lit up as normal. Just no power to the motor when peddling. However, walk assist still worked. Any ideas? Speed sensor? Had the bike about three...