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  1. Mountie

    Levo 2019 motor noise

    No thanks sounds like a Harley :-)
  2. Mountie

    Newest firmware update 2017/2018 levo

    If I use old mc it shows battery is on 2.23.1 and motor on 5.0
  3. Mountie

    Newest firmware update 2017/2018 levo

    Imthis is using the new version of mc
  4. Mountie

    Newest firmware update 2017/2018 levo

    5.00 here on the motor got a new battery two weeks ago had it updated then and they said the most recent was 217.1 thanks what’s showing.
  5. Mountie

    Newest firmware update 2017/2018 levo

    Two years warranty?
  6. Mountie

    Newest firmware update 2017/2018 levo

    Do you know the firmware number you two have now please?
  7. Mountie

    Newest firmware update 2017/2018 levo

    Soon they will extend the longevity by removing the motor all together lol
  8. Mountie

    Newest firmware update 2017/2018 levo

    If it’s the firmware that took away the acceleration adjustment then yes it did change the bike a lot.
  9. Mountie

    Newest firmware update 2017/2018 levo

    What’s the number?
  10. Mountie

    I'm claiming an e-bike worlds first!!

    Ah the old tree sauce trick!
  11. Mountie

    I'm claiming an e-bike worlds first!!

    Ah he’s out east west coast man that’s where it’s at!
  12. Mountie

    I'm claiming an e-bike worlds first!!

    Hmmm not sure how to take that is that in the same context as Sheep in a western country attached to England?
  13. Mountie

    E-bike speed restrictions (agree or disagree )

    We have a 32kph limit here in North America I’ve actually reduced it down to 26 ish so I get out of assist quicker and my battery lasts way longer now. My average trail speed is 22 kph
  14. Mountie

    I'm claiming an e-bike worlds first!!

    And bring you bear and mountain lion sprays
  15. Mountie

    I'm claiming an e-bike worlds first!!

    Great work! We have a trail here you would like it is called the cowboy trail and is 574kms long so might take a little longer :-)
  16. Mountie

    Levo Rear Cassette

    Hi I was wondering how I can tell if the rear cassette on my 18 Carbon Expert is worn out? I’ve always replaced the chains before the .75 wear mark and it has only skipped the chain four times in its 1250km lifespan and two times when the rear cassette was packed full of mud the third and fourth...
  17. Mountie

    Specialized Mission Control App v2.x Now Available

    Anyone else suffering with the new mission control alpp crashing 100% of the time on startup started last night. App starts to open and then crashes out on iPhone.
  18. Mountie

    Specialized Mission Control App v2.x Now Available

    I guess the EMTB with connected bikes is a brave new world manufacturers and consumers need to adjust to.
  19. Mountie

    How was your ride, in one picture and one line?

    Why they work really well
  20. Mountie

    Hello from Italy

    Welcome from Canada