trek rail 5 2022....when i have the ebike up on the stand and turn up and down the gears on the high gears 1 to 3 the crank arms go round when i let go but when in the other gears crank arms stay still not going round and the wheel free wheels is this all ok or is there a problem with my set...
trek rail 5 2022 i have a purion display am thinking of getting a kiox 300 what i want to no when fitting do have to remove the battery brackets to feed the plug end of the cable down to the motor thinking of fitting a bosch spider to save money on chainrings but confused a bit whats the diffferance between none boost spider and a boost spider.......trek rail 5 2022 cx motor
new bosch performance line cx motor if i buy a new motor as the same one i have do i have to get the new motor configed to my 2022 trek rail 5 by the LBS or will just work when swapping over...
am thinking on buying one of these tubeless booster pumps that seat mtb tires are they worth the money or should i go with the make your own with a fire extinguisher anyone out there got a views on these booster pumps