An update from Amflow for my battery fastening issue.
They are supplying a new battery, I’ve asked the shop via email what sort of time scale, as they were closed by the time I received the good news I’m hoping they will give an indication of time tomorrow.
Well done mtbmonster and Amflow...
Hi, we will see how yourselves and the shop communicate?? Both myself and dandare bought our bikes from the same shop, both of us dropped the bikes off at said shop yesterday, both broke after 1 ride. They have said they will contact you today, let’s see how quick of a response we get. I doubt...
Mines back in the shop after one ride, the battery is held in with 2 M4 screws, one under the screen the other near the motor, there is a threaded brass insert moulded into the battery housing which the screws fasten into to hold the battery in place. The bottom brass insert has been pulled out...