Since the someone posted a patched ETube App for Android - the downgrade from latest firmware versions is available again. The downgrade instructions are updated.
Yes, but is it worth it to upgrade from 4.1.10 to 4.1.11? I would not recommend upgrade to latest firmware 4.1.11. The 4.1.10 is fine and it's possible to downgrade via Bluetooth if you suddenly need it. My downgrade instruction has link to 4.1.10, so it possible to upgrade from 4.0.2 to 4.1.10...
Derestriction via PCE interface still works despite on latest firmware.
Moreover, the new STUnlocker for Windows allows to change power/torque limiters for new EP801/EP6 motors (useful for EP8/EP6 RS owners).
And another EP8 1st gen issue (in my case, but I see the same issue on other EP8 motors):
It has a problem with the crank rod "play". It moves left/right (in/out) with properly tighten cranks. It started to "play" not from begging, but after 800-1000km. It’s not a good feeling when you rotate...
I thought that this was so, since everything else (connection to a bike, reading settings) seemed to work as before. I have no way to check as I don't have access to supported motors.
I had no issues with EP8 on my prev bike, except the rattle. Also I can't check the bike from direct-sell manufacturer... They are too far away from me
Hm. You said that brand new motor on my bike will die soon :)
Personally, the rattle on my prev carbon frame bike with EP8 was horrible. It's like a metal bucket with bolts.
Anyway, the squeak/whistle sound from the brand new motor when it slightly hot - is the real problem. I have no idea is...
Don't install latest firmwares (4.1.11, 4.9.5, 4.7.7) if you have derestricted bike or you want to derestrict it. You can't do anything after that, even downgrade will not work
I recently got my bike with EP801. After 100 km it still has no rattle. But when it heats up, it starts to squeak/whistle at every crank revolution even without load (with rear wheel raised). If you let it cool for 10-15 minutes, the squeak goes away until it heats up again. What a masterpiece...
Old ETube App versions no longer work with latest firmware. So, it means that downgrade from these new firmware will not work anymore, and it's not possible to derestrict motors with these firmware via Bluetooth anymore
Went back to my 2021 Spectral:ON bike that I haven't turned on in a year. The SW300 button is dead and won't charge by any methods. Charging via PCE02 goes up to 45-49% for 20 minutes, then it fails with an error. If restarted immediately, it starts at 20-30%. After 5 minutes of waiting without...