Mystery solved, slightly embarrassing. The bearing in the right pedal is shot and as the transition from the up stroke of the crank to down stroke occurred it torqued the pedal causing the skip. Pedals are ONE UP Components with not a lot of miles so not real impressed and I had the same pedals...
Does not appear to be the cranks. Feels like something internally in the TQ motor. Have moved the cranks to various positions related to the front gear and up and down through the rear set. The ‘skip’ stays in the same place relative to the crank position.
We picked up a Fuel EX-e 9.8XT for my wife last week and have already had a number of fabulous rides. However, this evening the bike has developed what I can only describe as a slight skip in the cranks. When the right hand crank is at approximately the 10:00 position there is skip/hesitation...