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  1. Raleel

    OMG ive just spent 4k on a EMTB- Rise user experiences please

    Similar height, old, and overweight. Got an M rise and I love it. I worry it is a little small, but also like that it is in some ways. I would only consider trading it for another rise of similar spec and a size L if I tried it first. I can pull about 20 miles or so on mine with full modified...
  2. Raleel

    Rise Club Tips

    Huh, how does that work? Is it generating power in reverse?
  3. Raleel

    Orbea Rise H15 - street edition

    Ah yes, thanks! I had forgotten about that. I just found it hilarious :)
  4. Raleel

    Orbea Rise H15 - street edition

    Forgive me, as I am relatively new the topic, but isn’t it 20mph, at least in the USA? I think it’s around 15 or so for europe. At least that’s what it feels like on my m20, but maybe it’s different on the H series
  5. Raleel

    Orbea Rise H15 - street edition

    how does she ride? i imagine 20 mph is quite easy.
  6. Raleel

    Rise Club Tips

    i feel personally attacked! ;)
  7. Raleel

    First emtb- carbon or hydro?

    Late to this party, but I went carbon myself. There wasnt an option :) ultimately, I wanted a bike where I could keep up with my kid as a 50 year old over weight dude. There were 3 emtbs in town, and two were the previous generation of Levo. Same price, aluminum frame. I went with the carbon...
  8. Raleel

    Rise Club Tips

    sweet, i'll have to give that a try
  9. Raleel

    Rise Club Tips

    so, you cut that to make a ring for it, then stretched it around the cover?