Well, the bike is only a month old and there has not been any significant trauma so I still wonder. And there visibly is a bowing motion of the chain stay when it is initially loaded by the motor. Time will tell if the replacement fails in the same way.
I am not concerned about the replacement cost. There are no paint chips, but just some dirt on the stay. The repair person I am working with my local bike shop is somewhat mystified as well. There are no other signs of trauma here. This is somewhat of an FYI as I am concerned about...
Bought a 2022 S works turbo levo a month ago. Earlier this week the right chainstay spontaneously fractured at it’s midpoint. No crashes. I’ve been riding hard and fast for about a month. I’ve been mountain biking for almost 40 years. This is my fourth specialized bike. I’ve never had a single...