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  1. Amber Valley Guy

    Ep801 solution

    Oh, all the e-bike motors that I've come across are internally gear reduced (lowered) from the motor stator spinning at say 3000rpm (the spinning electric motor shaft) to the physical external output shaft via a set of gears (crankshaft/output/drive shaft) that your pedal crank arms attach to. A...
  2. Amber Valley Guy

    Eco sucks!

    Pardon my ignorance, what's a false flat, it doesn't compute in my head...undulating and not steep I get, but never heard the term false flat? Maybe a UK English Vs North American it those slight inclines that look like flat?
  3. Amber Valley Guy

    Ep801 solution

    I'm not so sure, there's a world of difference between a constant cadence of say for example 85-90ish for the UK/EU 15.5mph limit and 110-120ish (US 20mph) if there's no different internal gearing... US riders must be bloody fit and do they ever pedal through the limit, and at what cadence?
  4. Amber Valley Guy

    Ep801 solution

    I'm blowing out my arse at 18-19mph max on a Ep8 that's gone past the 25kmh/15.5mph limit on a 36T chainring and larger 29" wheels on a flat road (not off-road). I thought (I might be wrong I usually can be) that US motors had higher internal reduction gearing so that US riders can get to 20mph...
  5. Amber Valley Guy

    Ep801 solution

    What's your cadence at 50kmh (31mph) it's got to be 200-230 ish on a EU spec bike surely?
  6. Amber Valley Guy

    Best tubeless for my emtb?? Help reqd!

    All the above, clueless. Not a single piece of real advice. The guy needs some tyres (tires) and some guidance. To the OP, what's affordable in your area, you say your current wheels are 29 x 2.4 which isn't correct ( but will do, it's your current tyre size). Stick with this size (it's probably...
  7. Amber Valley Guy

    Discounted Bike and parts Thread - cheap(er) ebikes & stuff

    Merlin Cycles has Michelin Wild tyres (29 x 2.4 rear) at £29.95 and E-Wilds (29 x 2.6 rear) at £34. Went for the E-Wild 2.6 rear at £37.50 Inc delivery, that's bloody cheap ( for the UK).
  8. Amber Valley Guy

    Ep8 downgrading the firmware

    I'm not 100% sure but I think I read somewhere that recent UK/ Europe specific Shimano and Bosch motors are chip and software 🔒 and can't be changed to USA spec speed limits..... and if you do manage to do it via software or a tuning box its recorded and voids all warranty's...
  9. Amber Valley Guy


    I should of said, the buzzards that keep swooping down on me are out of tall trees, not the normal 1000ft+ heights most people usually see the things, riding the thermal up draughts in summer. Here in the UK (and Europe) they're not vultures, more of a large hawk, smaller than an eagle probably...
  10. Amber Valley Guy

    Eco sucks!

    My ep8 was bloody awful in Eco, and felt like it wasn't working at all if moving down to Eco from Trail or Boost. A few minutes with the Shimano app, nudge the slider to the right a bit and......a totally different bike, a pleasure to ride and no noticeable loss in range. Now if someone could...
  11. Amber Valley Guy

    Not an EP8 rattle when pedaling

    I've got to go to bed, it's you mean the Ep8 or Bosch CX are noisy when descending/ not pedaling/ over rough stuff, and are you sure it's the motor and not just noise transfernce from the drivetrain? But it's no different from a car rolling down a hill with your foot off the...
  12. Amber Valley Guy

    Not an EP8 rattle when pedaling

    Me thinks , Bosch (or another motor manufacturer) started a rumour about Shimano's rattling to swerve attention from their own motors shortcomings. Like you, mine hardly makes a noise.. except over really rough ground, even then it could be the derailleur, chain slap, whatever... all bikes...
  13. Amber Valley Guy


    Anyone else wearing a grey helmet had buzzards swooping over their head? Presumably their instincts kick in when your alone in the middle of nowhere (farm / woodland) and think your a helmets a hare/rabbit? Fantastic to see just a few feet above your head, and bigger than you realise close up.
  14. Amber Valley Guy

    Good afternoon, I have a Haibike sduro RC with creaking noise . Any diagnose here ( please watch video)

    I've edited this post to save wasting time, what year is your bike and do you have a picture of it? The only thing I get on Google are from around 2015 and look like shopping / grocery getter ebikes?
  15. Amber Valley Guy

    Good afternoon, I have a Haibike sduro RC with creaking noise . Any diagnose here ( please watch video)

    Yes and applying pressure to the cranks loads the wheels....not saying that is the cause but it happens. And I should add, the OP should check the spokes for correct tension on both wheels.
  16. Amber Valley Guy

    Good afternoon, I have a Haibike sduro RC with creaking noise . Any diagnose here ( please watch video)

    Spokes, especially where they cross over each other can make that noise. Try a dab of grease at each crossing between the spokes contact points.
  17. Amber Valley Guy

    Not an EP8 rattle when pedaling

    If it happens only when pedalling, that's a big clue...pedals loose or their bearings are knackered, crank arms loose, chain ring loose, a knackered derailleur / jockey wheels, a loose cassette or even an overstretched chain. All easy to check within a few minutes.
  18. Amber Valley Guy

    Not an EP8 rattle when pedaling

    Mine only rattles over really rough ground and even then it's not loud, otherwise I don't hear anything other than a subtle motor whirrrr, in fact I'm surprised at how quiet it is. I wonder if some EP8's rattle more than others? Did Shimano change something inside regarding the motors clutch...
  19. Amber Valley Guy

    My new Cannondale Moterra Neo 4

    I have one, great bike but the first upgrade is definitely the crappy tyres (at least for the UK). The 2.6" Maxxis tubed (not tubeless or tubeless ready) Rekons will struggle over roots and rocks, and well wet anything..... and are also oversized for the 25mm rim width. Vittoria E-Mazza front...
  20. Amber Valley Guy

    We have a huge problem with ebikes

    Could be that eb motors are more expensive than what they sell them for (if taking in R&D costs etc), so the manufacturers recoup some of that cost in their batteries? Like inkjet printers and (rip-off ) ink prices but not as blatant. Just a guess. What pee's me off is lack of a usb port or a...