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  1. G

    Unanswered Battery Maintenance

    From what I have read elsewhere: Do not store the battery fully charged or in a low state of charge. Around 60% is ideal. OK to part charge. Fully charging occasionally helps maintain cell balance. Deep discharge (below 20%) can shorten battery life. If you let the charge level drop below 20%...
  2. G

    Newbie looking for some tech support

    Hi, Ive been around e-bikes for a year and a half (following a nasty dose of long covid). Got rid of my Cube Touring Hybrid Pro as it was too tall (ouch!) and had an awful riding position. Bought a HaiBike Trekking 6 instead, lovely to ride but strange motor characteristic at light pedal load...
  3. G

    Yamaha PW-ST Pedal Response

    I have a Haibike Trekking 6 i630, with Yamaha PW-ST motor. I find the motor response at low pedal pressure somewhat erratic. When pedaling lightly, I notice two things: The assistance ramps on and off with slight variations in pedal pressure. This can be provoked by changing into a lower gear...