Recent content by zegroeg

  1. zegroeg

    Sold 2019 Vitus e-sommet: £2300

    Hi Rob, Unfortunately not. I've updated the listing to sold. I'm not selling the bike stand for now. Cheers, George
  2. zegroeg

    Sold 2019 Vitus e-sommet: £2300

    Price reduced.
  3. zegroeg

    Sold 2019 Vitus e-sommet: £2300

    Bike / Product Year: 2019 Manufacturer: Vitus Model: e-sommet Asking Price: £2300 Location SW London Description Size L PRICE REDUCED TO £2300 Due to an international move, I'm reluctantly selling my Vitus e-sommet. This is the standard one that comes with the Shimano Steps E7000 Motor and...
  4. zegroeg

    Join EMTB Forums for a massive ebike meet at Swinduro

    Any updates on forum members attending? I’ll be there so will randomly chat to other e-bikers to see if they’re one of us. Hopefully get to meet some of you in the flesh tomorrow.
  5. zegroeg

    where in europe to go bike touring?

    Have you looked into how you will transport the battery as you won't be able to take it on a commercial flight (discussed at length on another forum and online). You could possibly hire/buy a battery from a Specialized dealer once in Europe. As for routes, if you want to see a variety of...
  6. zegroeg

    QECP Ride day for local EMTB forum members

    It would be the next closest for me after Swinley but never occurs to me to head down there. Would be good to have an excuse to finally head there.
  7. zegroeg

    Join EMTB Forums for a massive ebike meet at Swinduro

    I signed up a little while ago if I can be added to the ride out.
  8. zegroeg

    Swinley Forest

    I ride Swinley regularly both on my e-bike and non e-bike. You can go any day but on weekends I suggest late afternoon in the long summer hours as there are often events in the weekend mornings. There's a regular organised ride from the Swinley Bike Hub on Thursday evenings which is open to all...
  9. zegroeg

    Changing Grips on Full E - Impossible?

    Other than the grips, the angle of your brake levers could be putting undue pressure on your wrists. They should ideally be angled so the tops of your hands run flat with the top of your arm. If they're not then angling your wrists may be constricting the blood flow leading to pins and needles...
  10. zegroeg

    Hi from South London

    It finally arrived yesterday two weeks after I ordered it! Had it sent to my workplace as they kept failing to deliver it to my home. Box was damaged with a big chunk taken out of the top cap. All was noted to the courier at the time of signing and to CRC. All that aside, riding it home was...
  11. zegroeg

    New emtb rider from Portugal

    I'm going through my own woes with Wiggle/Chain Reaction's courier so you're not alone.
  12. zegroeg

    What to do next?

    You probably don't want to hear this now that you'be bought it, but you may want to do some research between the Shimano steps 7000 motor found on the standard e-sommet compared with the 8000 on the VR. I chose to go with the standard e-sommet, partially for the motor, but I am also using the...
  13. zegroeg

    Hi from South London

    Shipping Status PROCESSING I decided not to call them today as the guy I spoke to yesterday wasn't able to give anything beyond a stock "it's 3-6 days to build" response. I told him that you received yours having ordered it a day before mine but through Wiggle. I'll call them tomorrow and if...
  14. zegroeg

    Hi from South London

    Weird that you ordered it one day before me but CRC can't give me a straight answer about when I can expect my delivery. Oh well, I hope you are getting to enjoy your purchase.
  15. zegroeg

    Hi from South London

    I'm curious if they delivered your bike today, Shjay?