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  • Like I said, I can't find anything like that for my Bosch active line plus Motor. :( Not to mention that they don't even have the ability to set low/med/high in the modes (eco, tour ,sport and boost.) I would not have bought the bike if I had known that. I am not a robot, lol. Do you know of any system ? Just talked to Speedbox support and they can't do it. Thanks for your time.
    Hi, I know you have heard of StUnlocker custom support % at each mode level as if someone has the physiology of like.... a human being. For instance: Shimano Steps E8000 has low/med/high (33%/66%/100%) at each level of eco/trail/boost. With steps unlocker I set to what I want 10% at eco/ 20% at trail/ 80& in boost. I can't find anything like that for my Bosch.
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