Recent content by sparkydirty

  1. S

    Half face or full face helmet

    I splurged on a Bell Super 3R, has the most ventilation Ive seen in the removable chin/face guard group. The chin bar also removes with no tools, 3 lock down latches for easy swap. Going to get winter use out of it snowboarding as well with a decent skullcap/balaclava.
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    Long time MTB rider, electric noob

    It’s a good problem to have picking which one to ride. Came very close to getting a new 690 from the dealer then a used 950 SE with 8k on it showed up on advrider and i jumped on it, guy even had a second set of 17” street rims & tires. For sure on the chainring, ordered a 42 to replace the 38...
  3. S

    Hola from California Bay area!

    Congrats, went from BMX to full suspension XC MTB, to DRZ 400, to KTM 950 Super Enduro, recently added a Haibike long travel MTB, can’t believe I waited so long either. EMTB is so much fun.??
  4. S

    Where are all the HaiBike riders?

    Fellow Haibike owner, pasting my post from noob section; Anything with 2 wheels, am I right!? Got a great deal recently on a Haibike Fullseven LT 4.0 with 50 miles on it, (220 now?). Has the yamaha PW-SE, so far loving this thing. Fits in the garage well with my trusty old Diamond Back XC...
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    Haibike with 2018 Yamaha PW-SE, looking at options.

    Hi all, pondering the speedbox 2, also saw they have the platinum, running the 2018 PW-SE. So far really loving the bike, LT 4.0, but wanting to go slightly bigger chain ring and derestriction. Ordered a 42 to replace the front 38, now deciding on dongle. Thanks in advance for any advice.
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    Long time MTB rider, electric noob

    Anything with 2 wheels, am I right!? Got a great deal on a Haibike LT 4.0 with 50 miles on it, (220 now?). Has the yamaha PW-SE, so far loving this thing. Fits in the garage well with my trusty old Diamond Back XC bike, and my KTM 950 super enduro.? Need to fab a bike rack for the 950 now! Has...