Hello, anyone got the BUZZ RACK E-Scorpion XL 2 bike folding rack, using it on a carbon frame?
Quite fancy this rack but I’m wondering if the frame arms are long and high enough to fit to seat post.
My bike is a large with carbon frame, ideally would prefer attaching arm clamp to directly to...
Thanks Steve, I thought I was working with a bunch of grown up children and nobody would notice or mention it. Wrong again!
Back on the 2.6 tyre, and on the lookout for a wider wheel on sale.
Thanks for feedback lads, the rim to tyre ratio looks to be the problem. As rear tyre only 2.6 wide and fine. I’m not an aggressive rider, so not feeling it unstable, but did notice a smoother ride when increased width.
Will probably go back to 2.6 both front and rear, which bike came with...
Not loosing any pressure and live in NE of Scotland, so that rules out overexposure to sun and the bin! Cleaned sidewalls of both tyres once with cloth that had excess plastic restorer(thrifty I know), but rear tyre fine.
When giving the bike a good clean, noticed cracks have appeared around upper walls of tyre. Any idea how this has happened, and more importantly is it time for the bin? They're only about year old, maybe 1000mls of mixed trails.
As seen on photos it's a 3inch front tyre, running on a 30mm wide...
I suppose the question I should have asked is has anyone tried putting Cushcore plus on a 30mm rim? I know 3inch tyre shouldn’t be in 30mm rim, but works ok for me. Starting to get a bit more confident, convinced myself that the insert would enhance ride if doable.
Thanks. Think I’ll have to settle for the pro, for ease of fitting. Would have liked to try the larger plus size for my 3inch tyre, but doubt it’s going to fit a 30mm rim.
Hello all. Could anyone give me advice as to what cushcore I should buy please? I’m running 29x3 on 30mm inside rims on my hard tail.
Cushcore sell a 29 plus, which is for 2.6 to 3.0 tyres on 32 to 45 inner rims, which I’m not sure would fit(or I could fit)?😤
Or Cushcore 29 pro e-mtb, which is...