I have replaced mine last week , looks fine but there is a little play in the fork, when I sit on the bike I can feel a little knock in the steering like the fork steering tube moved a little , I have torqued it up correctly. It feels like the plastic top cap( original canyon one ) is too weak...
Bosch smart smart system green light on controller meaning ?
First time seeing a green light on my controller , all work fine and no errors on the flow app Strive.
The bottom light of the row of lights on the control panel is showing green and I don’t know why .
I brought my Canyon strive on CFR LTD a pair of Magic mary radials, the hype is real!
Man they are like blue tack , felt like the bike was on rails today .
Gravity soft rear and trail pro super soft front , running the same 25 psi from and 28 rear as the old rears .
I have had serval bad experiences just last year with dogs. First I stopped my bike to let a lady walk by with her dog , as the dog got level with me it bit my knee , luckily I had on knee pads .
The second time I was having a great ride through the local woods when out of nowhere a giant black...
It was setup from new by canyon , it’s a strive on cfr Ltd .
No issue until changing the chain , strange how the issue can shift from gear 7 to 8 by tightening the axle , I’m going to order a new bushing and see how that goes .
B stop is setup correctly as by canyon and to sram recommendations
Sounds expensive pal lol
I fitted a new GX tyre cassette but it’s still not running great with a new cassette and chain , it’s not as bad as it was but still has an issue meshing together on 3rd gear now .
I’d found a lot of other with this issue even on new bikes .
Some kind of alignment issue
The setup guide stating the sock fully extended is so the tension On the chain correct .
have removed my rear wheel many times and it never caused an issue with the gears ,but now it does ,loser and hear 8 doesn’t mesh tighten it more and gear 7 doesn’t mesh with the chain .
im things the...
when The bikes in a bike stand and i turn the cranks I can see that when in 8th gear the chain isnt meshing correctly where they first meet causing the skipping , tighten the axle more and it does it in 7th gear .
all other gears are Perfect .
This only started when I changed the chain , nothing...
Another update, went out today for a ride and now gear 8 is skipping , I can see the chain isn’t mashing correctly with the gear where they first meet.
Adjusting the axle torque moved it back down to gear 7 .
As there is no real adjustments other then micro adjustment I don’t know what the issue...
I was getting 1500 miles out of a cassette and 3 chain which I would change every 500 miles . T-type was said to last much longer .
That’s why I posted to ask if this was the norm .
After more investigation and finding other with the same issue it turns out it was an alignment issue , it’s now...
True or not it’s an expensive idea , ive Just installed a new chain is running great now , there was an alignment issue at first but after reseting the derailleur and re torquing the axle it’s running sweet now .
I found plenty of other that had this issue from a full new install or after...