Recent content by mccltd

  1. M

    Levo 2019 Chain Replacement

    Seems like the KMC e11 EPT then as no other recommendations. Will this be long enough with a 36t on the front?
  2. M

    Recommended replacement chain for a Turbo Levo?

    Which chain did you get and hows it performing?
  3. M

    Levo 2019 Chain Replacement

    Measured chain today and .75 gauge fits so its on its way for replacement. What chain should I replace it for in UK?
  4. M

    The Official BLEvo Thread

    just tried removing strava authorisation and re adding it. click upload to strava and get ' strava upload ride completed , response : your activity is still being processed' Now I have just tried changing my strava password, deleted blevo authentication. Re added blevo to strava and still no...
  5. M

    The Official BLEvo Thread

    I have blevo connected to my strava account but noticed that even thou Blevo says its upoaded them they are not appearing in Strava. Is there a way to delete and re setup strava in Blevo to see if that fixes it?
  6. M

    The Official BLEvo Thread

    Ive given up with the iPhone app, just keeps crashing and disconnecting even after latest update. Purchased a 2nd hand Samsung S6 to use on the bike and Blevo works much better on it and is nicer in horizontal mode. iPhone sits in my backpack as a phone.
  7. M

    The Official BLEvo Thread

    Glad its not only me. I also have met 2 other people using the iPhone app and it crashes. I have tried uninstalling mission control and blevo, but upon reloading blevo it still crashes and I have to keep restarting the ride now as it doesn't continue. I run the bike workout app on the watch yet...
  8. M

    The Official BLEvo Thread

    how do you enable background functionality on the iphone and I will then see? Is it teh background app refresh? if so that is On
  9. M

    The Official BLEvo Thread

    every time the app stops working and goes back to normal iphone XS screen when I re run blevo it starts a new ride. Before the latest update at least when it crashes I could continue the ride.
  10. M

    The Official BLEvo Thread

    I'll check it out tonight and scroll a bit. Any chance you will be looking at the blevo shutting down on iphone XS and since the latest update not allowing to continue ride ? Seems a few people with same issue posting on your other blevo forum now. Also how do I get the apple watch to work...
  11. M

    The Official BLEvo Thread

    hi, I don't have smart power activated on the android, maybe its not in the android version
  12. M

    The Official BLEvo Thread

    as my iPhone blevo app just keeps crashing I have borrowed an old Samsung S6. Worked well today , didn't crash once. But on the iPhone blevo their is a -5 -10 +5 +10 at the bottom of the screen whilst cycling to adjust the assistance. Cant see it on the Android version, is it hiding somewhere?
  13. M

    Levo 2019 Chirping noise from motor?

    I only cleaned and oil the chain this morning, definitely sounds electrical when ridding
  14. M

    Levo 2019 Chirping noise from motor?

    Riding the Levo with motor on or off I'm now getting what I can only describe like a chirping noise. Doesn't do it continuously but is it something to worry about? not the best video but may give you an idea to what I'm hearing: iCloud
  15. M

    The Official BLEvo Thread

    any update due on the iPhone version reference the app shutting down for no reason?