is it in fact true that u can use a phone vpn to simply set the dji system to new zealand location? if yes will it just hold that setting? does the system have a gps within it that it can use to determine its location on its own?
The restriction is mandatory from the government. There is nothing they can do about having that in place. What they can control is not putting difficult to defeat antitamper on the motor and allowing it to be easily derestricted. I wont buy an ebike that cant be derestricted and hopefully this...
this is the first system that actually makes me want to upgrade my cx4 non smart ebike. one thing they need to do is not put heavy anti tamper software on it so it can be derestricted easily. imagine a 45 pound 800 watt derestricted emtb with all that power. they cant release it to north america...
update on the motor. electrically it totally recovered. but bearings were indeed damaged by water ingress i believe and motor developed a loud clicking within a couple rides. about 8 months out of warranty took it in and bosch sent out a replacement motor at no charge. lot better than paying to...
hmm yeah i guess its not for me then. i really just ride winch up and plunge down style trails so i want something to shuttle me up fast as possible with minimal effort. its a shame they dont have a firmware setting to allow that since they are so proud having the biggest torque number
can you set the motor to deliver high power at low cadence in the ludicrous mode? i want something that i can soft pedal and get boosted up the hill faster than my current bosch. can the dyname 4.0 be set to do that?
how has the reliability of the dyname 4.0 motors been?
are the batteries hot...
why did you go 29/29 instead of mullet?
btw i live right near verdi would love to check out those bikes sometime. my ebike is like an ol jalopy compared to those. but i may get one if i can ever find a nice used one
ok new update on the motor. after it started working again from the 550 code and not powering on I took it up the mountain to ride. when i got up there it powered on and then had a 500 code instead and would not run.
so i brought it back home and used the hair dryer for 48 hours straight. now...
BIG THANKS for your post saved my motor. So the first night I ran a fan in my cool garage and would not power on the next day. Saw you post about needing heat so I ran hair dryer for 15 hours on night 2 and it works again now. I thought it was done for sure.
2.5 year old motor 4k miles. Got lost and road through some snowy and wet trails. System shut off a couple times, then gave a 550 code. Wont turn on now. Battery is out and is fine charges normally. Have the fan blowing on my motor now going to give that a couple days.
Will my motor come back...
fine maybe 3kw is too much to expect on an emtb but something like this at 1.6kw i think would be the sort of drive unit i would like to see on a proper emtb. and an easily hot swapable battery so you can have 2 batteries and not need to weigh it down too much in the quest for range. these emtbs...
no i want an emtb with like 3 kW. i have a 72v surron with 15kw and its awesome but its still not an emtb, it weighs like 125 pounds. what i dont get is all the crap ebikes they are putting out have more power than these expensive emtbs that are good for actual mountain biking. i really think...
The whole emtb category is just so stagnant now imo. All the other ebikes categories are pushing the envelope of the technology and emtbs are stuck with these low power assist only drivetrains that also greatly limit the speed. Its really sort of sad because the other segments of ebikes just do...