The left one is ok to remove with an hammer but not recommended. Both of mines were dry the left and right. I think replacing the left one may not be a long time repair.
I made it. I replaced the two bearings on the right side one on the left. I bought it At They do have plenty of videos on how to deal with it. They also have many kit options for the repair and they ship locally in the US as well.
Anyway, it was not a walk In...
Bosch eventually fixed it. For my other bike I ordered a bearing kit repair. I will work on it this weekend. I will report how it went. I think In Your case you need the all kit repair including the two one way bearing as you said it is jerky.
I bought a used 2019 Powerfly 9.7 two months ago with Bosch CX Gen 2 and the bike is 16 months old.
The left bearing is shot, and my LBS told me that Bosch USA does not want to replace the motor under warranty as I’m not the initial buyer. Do you think it is accurate?
They received the motor two weeks ago but they can’t mount it. The dealer claims that this is the new gen 4 replacing the gen 3. At least this is what Bosch told him.
I asked few questions over the phone and I said that the gen4 is not compatible with the gen3. This was not making any sense...
My dealer received the replacement CX motor from Bosch America. Unfortunately they did not send the brackets. Need to wait another week.
Those are a bunch of imbeciles.
I’m not sure what is next.
Next time I will buy the bearing repair kit. That will be faster. So deceiving.