Recent content by Labrador29

  1. Labrador29

    Advice wanted re setting suspension

    Sounds a good plan thanks. I will give it a try
  2. Labrador29

    Advice wanted re setting suspension

    Thanks Rusty, appreciate the advice. Will work on reducing the compression and rebound in small steps.
  3. Labrador29

    Advice wanted re setting suspension

    I haven't asked for help for yonks, but need some advice. I purchased new a 2022 Giant Trance X +1 in May 2022. The front fork is a Fox 36 Float Perfomance e-E optimised. A setting label on the right fork suggested it is a Fit Grip 36 E. My riding weight with all safety gear/protection is...
  4. Labrador29

    Chain lube suggestion please

    Rock & Roll Gold. Without doubt. Google E-MTB U-Tube chain oil tests. Results will surprise u.
  5. Labrador29

    General Question about Giant Popularity

    Brilliant. I have owned Toyota's for years. Corollas and Corona's. Huge miles, few if any problems. Basic I agree, but so reliable. I have owned a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow, a BMW. Both were expensive to run and maintain and I got rid of them quickly. I think Giant is the Toyota of the MTB...
  6. Labrador29

    Stance E Range Battery Extender

    I agree!!!! It would be crazy to carry a 500Wh battery in a backpack. Don't even consider it.
  7. Labrador29

    What stupid thing did you do with your bike this week?

    Not as embarrassing as the Aussie who pumped $291 worth of petrol into a rod holder on the back of his Boat. (Boat was on a trailer behind his vehicle). Doh!!!!! How dumb is that!!!!!
  8. Labrador29

    What stupid thing did you do with your bike this week?

    What make/model number is your rear mudguard thanks. Be ideal in winter!!!!
  9. Labrador29

    Did you miss me?

    Well spoken. I feel I should add my story to the cause. I'm a 76 year old New Zealander who played active sport all my life. Rugby/tennis/golf/athletics and in later years, road cycling and mountain biking. In 2003 at the age of 57 I had a heart attack, and heart surgery and a stent followed...
  10. Labrador29

    How did you pick your eMTB?

    Dollar for dollar, my 2022 Giant Trance X +1 pro 29er, was far better value that the overpriced Specialized. Specialized are flooding the market with discounted stock at the moment,due to oversupply and the market slowing down, so they may be competitive with Giant now. Four of my mtb'ing...
  11. Labrador29

    How long to charge yer battery?

    I have found the last 5-10% takes ages. Maybe it goes on a 'trickle' charge for the last few %.
  12. Labrador29

    Twisted Ankle? how long to recover? Can i prevent it happening again?

    Wow!!! Dr visit in South Island of New Zealand is govt subsidised. Last visit cost me NZD $19.50. My wife has been to Emergency Department 3 times in the last 3 weeks. No cost and prescriptions free of charge too. Ambulance (1 trip) did cost NZD $96.00 Maybe our health system isn't too bad...
  13. Labrador29

    Twisted Ankle? how long to recover? Can i prevent it happening again?

    Good advice. Other option available is concrete gumboots. Only problem with that is you can only get them in Sicily or New York.
  14. Labrador29

    General Question about Giant Popularity

    I belong to a group of NZ geriatric MTB riders, most with e-mtbs. Riders of varying experience and skill levels. Quite a few of the better riders own 2020/2021 carbon fibre Specialized e-mtbs that retail for around NZD$18,000. (Some have had electrical problems and one or two motor problems)...