Recent content by killaklik

  1. K

    Whyte E 150 owners

    I'm surprised lbs has them in stock, I've been hearing delays on delivery some until December in other threads. I'm all set now just need to get out on the trails. ;) I waited long enough for mine.
  2. K

    Whyte E 150 owners

    Oh dear, I know these bikes have a low center of gravity and I guess this is the reason that cranks will be struck, one of the reasons I need boots before going on the trails although these must have been some heavy duty strike's to bend the crank
  3. K

    Whyte E 150 owners

    I ended up taking a risk and bought some medium Race Face crank boots from amazon and they fit perfectly on the e150s
  4. K

    SRAM EX1 Crank boots question

    Thanks, First time buyer here,so wasn't sure, I've seen a lot of people buying srams own just to find they don't fit, same goes for race face, was hoping to get some experience here, unfortunately I just had to bite the bullet as the thread had no responses.
  5. K

    SRAM EX1 Crank boots question

    I will answer this myself for anyone else that may come across this dilemma , race Face medium boots fit this crank. Got mine of Amazon.
  6. K

    Whyte E 150 owners

    Not a bad idea, does the speed affect the longevity of the battery. Any of you guys done any protection on your cranks or have you had any pedal strike's yet.
  7. K

    Whyte E 150 owners

    What did it cost for the 6a fella and has anyone in this thread bought crank boots, I'm looking for some that fit.
  8. K

    Whyte E 150 owners

    Confirmed come with the 4A supply although the website still says 2A
  9. K

    SRAM EX1 Crank boots question

    Good evening all, does anyone know where I can get some crank boots for sram ex1 cranks. or any recommendations. Be gentle, 1st post and all :) Tia.