Recent content by kefconstruction

  1. kefconstruction

    2025 E180Rsx

    Wish I could but have a perfectly good e160
  2. kefconstruction

    What did you buy your ebike this week?

    How do you find the 530? Really want to get one as struggle to see the fenix watch
  3. kefconstruction

    Winter blues

    2nd the dirtlej suit
  4. kefconstruction

    Tubeless valves

    Thanks for replys I went for the peatys as really liked the bourbon colour, set up yesterday super simple seam really good bits of kit
  5. kefconstruction

    What did you buy your ebike this week?

    They look awesome them jackets
  6. kefconstruction

    Tubeless valves

    Looking at changing tubeless valves as just got stock on Looking at peatys, hope or juice lubes only thing they have to be bronze!!! Is anyone using any of these and how do you find them?
  7. kefconstruction

    What did you do to your EBike this week?

    Maxxis tyre and sealant All fitted now, Went for a ride late last night to spread the sealant out pleased to say stayed up over night
  8. kefconstruction

    What sealant for E bike

    I've just put some peatys in mine after replacing tyre so will test how good it is tomorrow
  9. kefconstruction

    What did you buy your ebike this week?

    Just done same Ard rock ticket emtb enduro
  10. kefconstruction

    What did you do to your EBike this week?

    And dropper lever
  11. kefconstruction

    What did you do to your EBike this week?

    Hope tech 4 v4 fitted And burgtec ride high
  12. kefconstruction

    What did you buy your ebike this week?

    Hope tech 4 v4 in bronze And burgtec top cap Get them fitted tommorrow 😄
  13. kefconstruction

    What did you buy your ebike this week?

    Burgtec pedals in the Kashmir bronze
  14. kefconstruction

    Braided hoses

    Thanks for the replies and thanks for the replies