Recent content by dave_uk

  1. D

    cycling and aggressive dogs!

    nice idea :)
  2. D

    cycling and aggressive dogs!

    Not sure, either way it would NOT get through customs.
  3. D

    cycling and aggressive dogs!

    I am in the UK - where pepper spray is illegal. Not sure why there are so many posts of dogs, this is not a post your dog forum! <start sarcasm>I know I will post a photo of my granny!</sarcasm> BACK TO MY question: (please) "any success with dog scarers like an Ultrasonic Dog Deterrent...
  4. D

    cycling and aggressive dogs!

    When we go to Greece there can be several dogs roaming lose and these can be aggressive and chase cyclists. Also, we have experienced dogs jumping at us - NOT ON LEADS - whilst cycling on cycle tracks, we have both been knocked off; who likes irresponsible dog owners?! How to deter the dogs? I...
  5. D

    Battery inside

    Garages without heating, like mine, temperatures will go very low then up as the sun hits the roof. Bad news for damp/condensation. Take your battery inside. In winter mine lives under the kitchen table (just about tolerable by the misses, only as its hard to see).
  6. D

    Brand X Ascend WIRELESS dropper

    Nice idea, but longevity will be an issue (more places for water to penetrate). Just bought a replacement for my old cable dropper, £99 for a Fox 150mm, reduced for black friday at Wiggle: Bargain :-)
  7. D

    Help on picking a new bike please?

    go on a Demo day, you can then ride several bikes. Wheelbase do them, the last one I went to was Cannock (they also do them further North) one of the bikes I tried which was NOT my 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice was: Merida eOne-Sixty. loved it, setup/feel and ride was the best for me; will...
  8. D

    Bike cleaner recommendations

    Please DO NOT use as a hand cleaner, your skin can absorb the chemicals, always use gloves.
  9. D

    Intermittent ticking sound? Very strange

  10. D

    Intermittent ticking sound? Very strange

    It could be your wheel spokes. Try spraying the spokes with a fine oil (eg. WD40). I have a wheel that does this and before I knew what it was it used drive me mad. BTW best not spray your hearing aids with WD40.
  11. D

    Old blokes who should know better.....

    Not sure WHY I have just "liked" that last video as my stomach was churning😱. Nice though, thanks.
  12. D

    Pic of the Day

    thanks for your inspiring shots everyone :cool:
  13. D

    Cable routing in frame - please STOP it....!

    I am not sure as the feel will not be the same; also latency will be noticable with brakes where its fine for gears.
  14. D

    Kenevo Gen1 Official 2020 Kenevo Owners Thread

    Thought I would give an heads up on the rear cable and brake pipe wear mine has suffered: Searching this thread I noticed there are several who have already "enjoyed" replacing the rear gear cable and brake pipe...
  15. D

    Cable routing in frame - please STOP it....!

    there is the division: practical v pretty! As for spotting the wear, it was not possible as the worn part is hidden within the swing-arm tubes. Also, note the additional cable/pipe covering ends too soon, this is a manufacturers fault.