Recent content by chalky007

  1. C

    Fuel EXe Trek Fuel Exe Ride wrap down tube piece application.

    Good idea there, had not thought of that approach. Was thinking to do the reverse , that is, apply in full then cut the section out around the cover but figured this would be difficult to apply properly with the covers underneath the wrap and such a large piece but I think your approach could be...
  2. C

    Fuel EXe Trek Fuel Exe Ride wrap down tube piece application.

    Unfortunately it is one piece that wraps around the dowtube joining on the top of the downtube so essentially the covers are in the middle of the piece. Basically to apply you position the middle of the piece onto the underside of the down tube where the covers sit and wrap up and around...
  3. C

    Fuel EXe Trek Fuel Exe Ride wrap down tube piece application.

    Hi all, newbie here and have a question about Ride Wrap and Fuel Exe application. Specifically i recently acquired a Trek Fuel Exe 9.5 Carbon plus also got myself a Ride Wrap tailored protection kit. Watched all the youtube and install clips and started applying and so far pretty happy with...