Recent content by Borut

  1. Borut

    My new scott lumen 900

    I didnt notice that....
  2. Borut

    My new scott lumen 900

    And which bike? Lumen?
  3. Borut

    My new scott lumen 900

    I bought lumen 3/2023 so it was probably one of the first. I still think there was myb problem in frame. One user here on forum said that he has same problem on scott solace. I regret that this happen so much. Couse i loved bike. But ticking i hate
  4. Borut

    My new scott lumen 900

    Which production year was it made?
  5. Borut

    My new scott lumen 900

    Levo is more chunky, its more noisy compared to lumen... Motor didnt fail, problem was ticking noise it started ticking after 500km. We try all solutions ....but nothing didnt help. When third motor start to tick tick tick i sold the bike .... Otherwise ....lumen was a very nice looking bike
  6. Borut

    TQ HPR50 Grinding Noise

    All check and still ticking ....
  7. Borut

    TQ HPR50 Grinding Noise

    Same was in my case, new motor and after 700km clicking started again.
  8. Borut

    TQ HPR50 Grinding Noise

    Is that frame ticking? That ticking was driving me nuts and i sold the bike. Tick tick tick......i hate that
  9. Borut

    My new scott lumen 900

    I dont know myb i had a bad luck. I dont have this bike anymore. Couse it ruined all my enthusiasm. I change 3 motors, rear wheel under warranty offcourse. But that stupid clicking sometimes, wasnt gone. And i just sold it for a little money and buy levo sl expert again. paint quaility is also...
  10. Borut

    TQ hpr50 firmware updates

    Yes. They change also 2x motor in my case. But after 3x started clicking again i sold scott lumen for change.
  11. Borut

    TQ hpr50 firmware updates

    I agree
  12. Borut

    TQ hpr50 firmware updates

    Amazing motor with very poor app support .
  13. Borut

    TQ hpr50 firmware updates

  14. Borut

    TQ hpr50 firmware updates

    Their biggest problem is that tq doesnt develop app for their motors. App developer is outside company.