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  • Hi there bud. I am curious if you solved the clicking noise in your 1.1 motor? Got the same issue right now

    I opened up the motor and everything looks pretty good in there tbh. 20241224_165204.JPG
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    Reactions: Streddaz
    I'm trying to remember what it sounded like now, but your motor looks pretty good inside. How do the crank bearings feel? They are the main ones that get all the muck in them from anything that gets past the seals. After pulling mine apart a few times the noise went away.
    I replaced the sprag clutch bearing on mine as it would occasionally slip when standing up and cranking hard.

    I replaced the crank bearings and seals while I was at it, but they felt ok but since I had the motor apart, I thought I may as well do them too.
    yo since you pulled apart the sl motor i figure you might be able to help. mine is squeaking a bunch and trying to identify if there is a decent fix... you got any ideassorry if this is the wrong way to ask you, Im fairly new to the forums.
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    Reactions: Streddaz
    Hard to say what that is. Might just be a dry seal. You could spray some silicone spray around the crank spindle to see if that quietens it up.
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