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  • They are giving me a 15% discount because I bought one other one from them. I am willing to try to buy two of them and then ship it to you. You can pay me on paypal once I get it. Shipping might wipe out the 15% discount but it might still be cheaper for you. It's worth a try. Not sure how warranty would work for you if we you had any issues and we did this. you're call.
    Keep in touch then. Thanks. :)
    So here is exactly what I heard back from DVO today. Looks like July for you is probably accurate and maybe June for me:
    They are on the scheduled to be produced/assembled in May so we hopefully will see them by end of May or beginning of June, barring no delays. Fingers crossed!!


    It seems to be lining up OK, but I'm still feeling a bit unsure. Need to know the shipping cost and the expected delivery time to me. Currently it looks as though I might get it at the same cost and a month early, but lose the warranty. As before lets keep in touch. I don't want you to commit to an extra shock on my behalf until I give you a definite YES! Many thanks for your efforts so far. :)
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