Valk Titan 9+


E*POWAH Master
Oct 17, 2021
Its an electric BSO. Every component bottom of the range, probably unsuitable for anything other than riding on a street

"Serious stopping power from a leader in performance brakes"

No they arent, and the pooey suntour fork is just as bad. Even for $2k theres better out there.


Active member
Aug 3, 2022
If you wait until after Xmas you might spot a deal on a good quality bike (Specialized Turbo Levo, Trek Rail, etc). They've already had sales all year and the pricing should be sharper in January (boxing day sale perhaps?).

The Valk would be ok if you're poking along smooth tracks but there is a big difference in ride quality between the entry level clunkers and the name brand bikes.

Brian VT USA

New Member
Oct 2, 2023
I don't think we're gonna see any of those options for $2k or less (USD).
The market is really hurting for bikes in that price range.
I realize that this is a site geared more towards "aficionados". It's a great web site and very active. Thank you for having me here.
But there's a lot of us that don't want, or need, a $5k bicycle.
I've been riding/racing off-road motorcycles for 40+ years and spent 4 years riding MTB all over Moab, UT before there was suspension and disk brakes (and crowds) on bicycles so I am quite aware of what more money gets you.
I have a sub-$2k eMTB "clunker" that is very capable and I've had to wait for others to catch up to me on their "proper", much more expensive, eMTBs.
I only started this thread in hopes of helping those with a smaller budget see what options are out there so maybe they can also join in the fun.


Active member
Aug 3, 2022
They're all ok if they meet your expectations. I started out on a cheapy NCM Prague and thought it was the bees knees for a while.

Brian VT USA

New Member
Oct 2, 2023
They're all ok if they meet your expectations. I started out on a cheapy NCM Prague and thought it was the bees knees for a while.
True. But that isn't even an eMTB. There's LOTS of bikes in that class for $2k or less.
You just don't realise that you need it yet - wait 'till you've been on this site for a while :)
I do know what a $5k vs a $2k eMTB feels like. And I would probably spend $5k if MTB was my main activity (after I sold my gas-powered bikes).
And I also know that a large portion of the population is not getting into the sport because the price of admission is just too high. The only FS mid-drive eMTB that I'm aware of for under $2k is the one I bought on sale for $1298.00 USD. It's very capable for most folks and it's certainly upgrade-able (I put proper tires and a 120mm air fork on it and a few other things that are just for personal preference). I'm still well under $2k. The price even dropped recently to $999.00 USD.

Again, my point here is that there are very few options out there in this price range. I'm not seeing any around here so I searched other countries and found the Valk and figured I'd post it for those searching this site for affordable options.
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Brian VT USA

New Member
Oct 2, 2023
A used bike likely comes with no warranty and a battery that may not have been properly cared for (so may have a shortened life expectancy). And finding one when you want one is a shot in the dark.
For many (myself included) it's either a sub-$2k eMTB or no eMTB. And I'm totally enjoying what I have.
Bottom-of-the-line components can be just fine for many riders. If not, they are easily upgraded if the new rider decides that this is a sport that they want to commit more time and money to. And they will also have a better idea of what they want from a more expensive eMTB if they decide that this will be their main sport and are ready to spend the big $.
Like I said, I've been riding 2-wheelers in the woods for 40+ years. I can hang, and have just as much fun, with others that have much more expensive bikes. NIcer/more expensive bikes are fantastic. But their cost puts them out of reach for many people or their cost can't be justified by those that have other hobbies to spend time and money on (my situation).
Based on the bike I have (which can be bought and upgraded for @ $1500 total retail), it seems that manufacturers should be able to offer a similar, and better, bike for $1,999 And I think the market really needs them.
The E Mythique gave us a glimmer of hope in that direction. I hope some other companies see the need in the market and respond successfully. I hope someone chimes in here with first-hand experience with this Valk to see if it might show signs that this market might be getting proper attention.
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E*POWAH Master
Oct 17, 2021
But there's a lot of us that don't want, or need, a $5k bicycle
Bit of a jump as an example isn't it ?. You could have went $3k $3 1/2k.

Some things really have a base price for what you are getting, and when it comes to a bicycle, a mechanical thing thats going to see real work, there needs to be a basic standard. Add to that electrical components that drive it along, then what you need has to be fit for use.

Consider £2k Thats the retail cost. What is going to be buy in ?, $700/$800 so an entire Ebike for say $800(Though in truth,depending on how many in the consignment, we're looking $350). Frame,fork, wheels brakes,drivetrain, and battery,motor and assorted bits for that.
Metal parts like bolts will be mild steel so will start rusting after its first outing, tyres,tubes etc are more plastic than rubber, other parts that could keep the weight down should be alloy, but will be steel, which again will start rusting.
Wheels, that take the abuse of use wont have stainless steel spokes more than likely, so will also start corroding, and probably go out of true very quickly.

I'm not about any sort of bike snobbery/elitism, I dont care what you ride, even a road bike(ok, pushing it there) im all about bums on saddles. But there has to be a base standard, otherwise what happens is someone spends(eg) $2k,which is a lot of money and uses it a couple of times. It quickly needs serviced which they dont know how to do, and find bike shops aren't cheap for that sort of thing. The bike then gets put in the shed, or worse still, left outside to the elements, and that person is totally put off riding.

Their entire experience of cycling in general has been jaded, and they rue the amount of money they spent on it. ALL so some uninterested business can make a few hundred bucks in profit.

I've worked in a number of bike charities, and the number of bikes in a very sorry state that gets donates is huge, the vast, and i do mean the vast majority of them are cheap and nasty *bso's that look reasonably unused, but are unseviceabe and end up in the big fiery furnace.

* BSO - Bicycle Shaped Object

Brian VT USA

New Member
Oct 2, 2023
I agree with all of that.
But I've also seen very expensive bikes end up sitting in sheds because the buyer just isn't into it like they thought they would be. And I'm sure the thought of that possibility is keeping many from spending $3k+ to see if they're "into it" or not.
Me and my $1.5K bike are honestly holding our own against others in the woods (and beating some of them). And I really think an even better product could be offered for $2k. I'm just surprised at how few options there are at this time.
Again, I'm not talking "best bang for your buck". I'm talking about an affordable eMTB vs no eMTB.
If I was a supplier (I wish I was) I would be trying to fill that $1999 niche. There really isn't any competition and I think it's a large market. I'm disappointed that I only had one option when I was shopping. Luckily, I'm happy with it and VERY happy to be back out on the trails that don't allow gas bikes.
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Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
There will always be a market for a low-priced entry point. But if you go too low then it is a short-term fix because you piss off your customers.
I wonder how many kids have been put off cycling for life because of the Argos Xmas special bought by loving but uninformed parents?

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