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Turbo levo bashgaurd


New Member
Nov 17, 2023
I have been looking at getting a bash guard for my gen 3 levo. Can you tell me.

Is it worth getting one?
What's the difference between the ones with holes and full plate?
What is best colour silver or black?


Sep 23, 2023
Easy answer is yes if you value your current bash gard and motor cover

Colour is you preference

I got one for my SL with the holes in it to allow any water to drin out after washing or a wet ride


New Member
Nov 17, 2023
Great thanks, this is the one I have been looking at, they have two versions the other has more holes at the top. I think it's held onto the bike by one longer bolt.



Dec 5, 2022
I think the other holes are just drainage holes. Id be interested to know how it performa as this is the one I've been thinking of ordering but in anodised black .
Got one of these last year, in black no holes, so far it worked as intended, also took some good strikes and managed to protect the plastic housing (which I had broken before but managed to “solder” with a PCB iron). The only drawback is that it’s a little bit more time consuming to take out the battery, you have to align it back etc, but I rarely take it out anyway. Granted, 2 or 3 bolts would be better, but there’s only one on the levo. A little two sided Velcro tape is included to keep it close to the housing. I find that on mine everything just aligned better once I bent slightly more the alum plate.. All in all I would recommend, as the bare plastic is just not gonna survive

Money Pit

New Member
Jan 27, 2024
I have that one and the velcro didn't last two minutes. Think I need to bend the bash guard more to get it closer because it's too far from bike at rear.

It's nice enough but I don't know if I like it that much.


Active member
Apr 19, 2023
New Jerzy
Yea, my Velcro pulled off pretty quick. I removed the sticky part backing on the fabric and glued it to the frame. The holes are air vents, look on the rear of the Brose housing, on my Kenevo there is an air vent. This vent is why I run a rear fender.


Active member
Apr 19, 2023
New Jerzy
Been on erides with people without the guards on Specialized bikes. One guy smacked the bb on a rock, the plastic cracked across below the bolt and the battery fell out or the frame….. long walk back to the trail head. Another guy hit hard on a small log and the charger door popped open and he tore it off with the next peddle stroke…….. one of the things I really hate about the e bike market is no one really talks about motor/ bottom bracket protection. If you ride trails with big rocks and logs, it’s a real issue.


New Member
Nov 17, 2023
Been on erides with people without the guards on Specialized bikes. One guy smacked the bb on a rock, the plastic cracked across below the bolt and the battery fell out or the frame….. long walk back to the trail head. Another guy hit hard on a small log and the charger door popped open and he tore it off with the next peddle stroke…….. one of the things I really hate about the e bike market is no one really talks about motor/ bottom bracket protection. If you ride trails with big rocks and logs, it’s a real issue.

Agreed the most important thing to protect is the motor, and the stock protection isn't enough if your riding terrain where it may get frequently bashed.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
I have been looking at getting a bash guard for my gen 3 levo. Can you tell me.

Is it worth getting one?
What's the difference between the ones with holes and full plate?
What is best colour silver or black?
Berkshire cycles sell an aluminium one. I've had it since 2019. 50 quid then . Only thing i didn't like was it used the battery bolt which to me wasn't long enough. Peddle hounds sold me a bolt 4 mm longer. They want £20 for the bolt now . It may be cheaper if you buy one of their types of bash guard


Sep 1, 2021
I've got the same brand of bash guard as the one you're looking at ReadyShreddy, although mine's for a Gen2 Levo and has a lot more air / drainage holes in it. I fitted mine after losing most of the motor casing to a log strike on a night ride and discovering that the replacement bit of plastic cost about £60 and the only place I could find it online was a retailer in Italy! Since fitting the bash guard I've not had any problems. It uses a slightly longer bolt which can be fiddly to get everything aligned, but then I never remove my battery anyway, so it's been fit and forget. The velcro bits securing the rear of the guard have been very secure and survived 3 pretty gruesome Scottish winters without complaint so far. It's also saved me from having to shell out stupid amounts of money for replacement bits of flimsy plastic. On one notable night ride my mates were even treated to a cool sparkly show when I gouged a deep score on the bash guard as I dropped down through a rock garden. That alone made it a worthwhile purchase!



New Member
Nov 17, 2023
I've got the same brand of bash guard as the one you're looking at ReadyShreddy, although mine's for a Gen2 Levo and has a lot more air / drainage holes in it. I fitted mine after losing most of the motor casing to a log strike on a night ride and discovering that the replacement bit of plastic cost about £60 and the only place I could find it online was a retailer in Italy! Since fitting the bash guard I've not had any problems. It uses a slightly longer bolt which can be fiddly to get everything aligned, but then I never remove my battery anyway, so it's been fit and forget. The velcro bits securing the rear of the guard have been very secure and survived 3 pretty gruesome Scottish winters without complaint so far. It's also saved me from having to shell out stupid amounts of money for replacement bits of flimsy plastic. On one notable night ride my mates were even treated to a cool sparkly show when I gouged a deep score on the bash guard as I dropped down through a rock garden. That alone made it a worthwhile purchase!

Thanks for the info, I've got one on order now so will hopefully have it by the end of the week.

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