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Unanswered Shifter help


New Member
Mar 4, 2019
North West uk
Hey folks,
I'm quite clueless when it comes to this, so excuse the newbie questions but i'm considering upgrading my gear setup on the 2019 Levo to Shinmano SLX. However, I'm not sure which is the best shiftier for ebikes.

My assumption is that an ebike shifter should be single click but my experience with SLX shifter's is they not single click.....does it really matter?

I'm running SLX on my no ebike so I know its a good comportment.

Hopefully that make sense?

Any advice would be appreciated



E*POWAH Master
Aug 25, 2019
Multi shift will work fine. Single shift is to prevent damage from the torque available if rider has poor technique. Personally I really like single shift, my wee hands struggle to shift more than one gear. Just have mechanical sympathy.


New Member
Mar 4, 2019
North West uk
Ahh ace ok. I was under the impression that you have single shift.

Been having some issues with the stock Sram mech/cassette so was wanting to upgrade but was worried i'd hit similar issues with multi shift.

Appreciate your response :)


E*POWAH Master
Aug 25, 2019
I have SRAM GX on my Levo with single shift and really like it. SRAM GX on my analogue with multi shift which I love but have got into the single shift habit. I would have no problems with multi shift on an e bike be careful and really back off for the shift. Hope that helps.


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2019
I have Shimano XT 11 speed with multi shift on one ebike and SRAM EX1 8 speed with single shift on another ebike, both Cube. The 8 speed took a little getting used to but now that I am I have to say I prefer it. The main point is, with the 8 speed I don’t tend to change gear as frequently because of the bigger change in ratio between gears, so multi-shift isn’t really needed.

For me single shift 8 speed is the way forward.
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Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
I tried an 8-speed cassette on a 2 hour test ride. I just could not settle on it because I never felt that I was in the correct gear. Bear in mind that this was before I had an emtb, so I was comparing with my 12-speed analogue bikes.
Maybe I would have got used to it in time, but it was sufficiently off-putting that I ruled out testing any more emtbs with 8-speed. I didn't want to spend many thousands on a new bike and then have to spend hours and hours "getting used to it". I wanted to be at home with it straight away!


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2019
I tried an 8-speed cassette on a 2 hour test ride. I just could not settle on it because I never felt that I was in the correct gear. Bear in mind that this was before I had an emtb, so I was comparing with my 12-speed analogue bikes.
Maybe I would have got used to it in time, but it was sufficiently off-putting that I ruled out testing any more emtbs with 8-speed. I didn't want to spend many thousands on a new bike and then have to spend hours and hours "getting used to it". I wanted to be at home with it straight away!
As with many things in life, it comes down to personal preference. I know what you mean though, sometimes it feels like you’re either peddling too fast or hard.


Active member
Jan 21, 2020
I changed my old 2015 trek powerfly from 8 speed to 11 speed xt
Worked flawlessly But you do need to power off momentarily if dropping a few cogs.. Never a prob going up.

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