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  1. Giff

    2022 RS160 wheel bearings

    If you are the original owner I think the bearings are guaranteed for life so Whyte may send new ones.....but you will have to fit them...or my LBS did for small charge.
  2. Giff

    SRAM UDH derailleur hanger

    Thanks Mike. I haven't had if off from new and it seems very tight. I think a lot more than 11 Nm!
  3. Giff

    SRAM UDH derailleur hanger

    Yes I will try that although it can take a few days.
  4. Giff

    SRAM UDH derailleur hanger

    Hi All My e160 RSX has a UDH deraileur hanger. The bolt to the frame is a left handed thread. Can anyone confirm that the bolt from deraileur to the hanger itself is right hand or left hand thread It seems very tight and I don't want to try too hard the wrong way. Thanks
  5. Giff

    When a fault report is a positive

    I have just posted a thread about my orange light Mike, same bike. I will check the sensor now. Thanks
  6. Giff

    E160-RS-MX 2023 New bike. Few Mods :)

    Looks good. Thanks.
  7. Giff

    E160-RS-MX 2023 New bike. Few Mods :)

    Hi Paul Did you make the bash guard or can you buy them ?
  8. Giff

    Mullet v 29er

    Did you not like it in the end? Did it not work out😕
  9. Giff

    Mullet v 29er

    Are you not using it?
  10. Giff

    Mullet v 29er

    You mentioned the ( mullet ) link. Is that a UP link or a link....or something else. I'm not sure what my 2022 e160 RSX has on it now.
  11. Giff

    Mullet v 29er

    Thanks Bombie. Did you use a 27.5 Whyte rim/ hub ?
  12. Giff

    Mullet v 29er

    Has anyone got an opinion on a mullet 29" x 27.5" v a 29er. The 160RSX is 29' but there is a MX and the eye watering works one both mullet. What's the advantage and are there any disadvantages ?
  13. Giff

    Chain length

    Thanks Irie
  14. Giff

    Chain length

    Hi it was at 0.5 when i changed it.
  15. Giff

    Chain length

    Thanks Mikerb that is good advice and I think I will start again as you suggest.
  16. Giff

    Chain length

    Thanks all for the reply. Yes I have 120 links so that seems ok. I am going to look at the B gap and stops again. I did have a damaged hanger ( a stick jammed between the cassette and derailleur )and replaced the outer cage as well but it is still skipping mid gears.
  17. Giff

    Chain length

    Does anyone know how many links are in an e160 RSX 2022 spec. My gears are skipping and SRAM said check the chain length as I have fitted a new chain. I measured against the original but didn’t count links.
  18. Giff

    E180RS ....shorter cranks.

    Thanks Bombie…..what is the difference and did you think it worth changing?
  19. Giff

    E180RS ....shorter cranks.

    Doesn't the RSX have the Shape it Up link as standard?
  20. Giff

    Whyte E-bike chain guide

    Yes I have but it's a pity you have to add fiddly washers to make it fit. It is just like the generic one I had on my last e160 and I thought this one maybe made to fit.....especially as it's twice as much!