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  1. Mr Tonka

    My Relay rocks

    Guess I'm one of the few who hasn't had issues or has figured out what they are and mitigated them. Best bike I've ever ridden. I mean, no ebike is without issues. When they first started getting popular, my local shop was replacing levo motors weekly. That went on for 2 years or so. Now...
  2. Mr Tonka

    My Relay rocks

    Funny, I found this out when Transition was at Howler bike park and I kept dropping my chain. The did a quick fix, I bought a new wheel set and sent that wheel in for warranty.
  3. Mr Tonka

    Relay Tips / Tricks

    I didn't think of friction paste. I used copper anti-seize the last time I pulled the motor to grease the metal sleeves. That was in January and so far, no creaking as of yet. (knock on wood)
  4. Mr Tonka

    Pic of the Day

    Had the big camera out to capture pics for the clothing brand I represent. Got that Michael Jorden thing going on. LoL Photography is a side hobby of mine.
  5. Mr Tonka

    Relay Tips / Tricks

    When we got my GFs Relay, the battery wouldn't go in so I bent the tab up and it went in fine. But the bike turned off at harsh jump landings (like 7 times in a single ride) and then on a big overshoot, the battery actually ejected. So I got back to the house, used needle nose to bend the tab...
  6. Mr Tonka

    Relay Tips / Tricks

    So this keeps happening. Looking at the Fazua LED manual, those light patterns happen when connecting to BLE and disconnecting from BLE. ??
  7. Mr Tonka

    Full Face - When do you decide to wear one?

    Generally when I'm at a bike park or want to record the ride with an action camera. Funny enough, I used to think it was the full face helmet that gave me the confidence to rider faster to hit bigger jumps. That was until I rode my full face with just glasses rather than goggles. Dropping...
  8. Mr Tonka

    Analysis Paralysis

    I should add that he rides that Repeater EP8 at least 4 days a week since buying it. Even sold his DH bike and just rode that in Whistler. He rides hard too. Big gaps, big drops, damn near mach chicken on every trail.
  9. Mr Tonka

    Analysis Paralysis

    OP's self-diagnoses of paralysis by analysis is correct. ;) I'll add some anecdote... a friend of mine who lives in Bellingham is the destroyer of all things bikes. Bearings, linkage, frames, wheels, spokes, hubs, etc.... I'm talking 5 out of 10 rides he breaks something. He switched bike...
  10. Mr Tonka

    Transition Relay Suspension Setup Thread

    My LBS mechanic says his factory 38 requires about 5psi less than what is recommended for his weight to feel right to him. He's on a Fazua equipped Heckler SL. And he rips. It works for sure. Adding or removing tokens by the twice of a knob. But if you don't travel or have a verity of...
  11. Mr Tonka

    Transition Relay Suspension Setup Thread

    That's interesting. When I did a lower leg service on my 170 38, I put 94psi back in the air spring. My fork felt quite stiff and my LBS agreed. I dropped it down to 90psi and now it feels like it did prior to the service. I ride at 200lbs with a 45lb bike. I have an MRP ramp control in...
  12. Mr Tonka

    Knee Pads in 2024

    IXS doesn't get enough attention in the states it seems. my favorite pad from them is the Trigger Race. I'm actually editing a video reviewing 9 sets of pads. But it's not close to release. These are the ones I tested... POC VDP Lite G-Form E-line - owned, great pads Kali Strike - owned...
  13. Mr Tonka

    Transition Relay Suspension Setup Thread

    I used that spring calculator when deciding on 400 spring for the GF. With my own information, it put me right above a 450lb spring when riding at 200. Their answer makes me think their size Medium PNW is set up for about a 170-180 pound rider.
  14. Mr Tonka

    Transition Relay Suspension Setup Thread

    The PNW Relay being my first experience with a coil shock, I've been learning a little bit. Figured I'd share my thoughts and what I've learned. . First I'll share my experience in regards to Transition's spring rate decision for the PNW builds. Essentially, I think they are on the light...
  15. Mr Tonka

    Relay Tips / Tricks

    Anyone see any strange Power LED patterns? This weekend on two separate Relays, with 2 different firmwares, I saw similar light patters happen out of the blue, while not riding. The pattern showed itself randomly with 4 lights, 3 lights and 2 lights and in any power mode. Most complete...
  16. Mr Tonka

    Transition Relay Owners how's the bike?

    That is the correct build!! haha. Just this week I went from the only Relay in our ride group to being 1 of 3. The coolaid was too strong! A blue GX Alloy and a grey XO PNW was added.
  17. Mr Tonka

    Transition Relay Suspension Setup Thread

    Thanks, I'm pretty dialed, but there are 3 new Relays in town and they are all asking me for help. haha I wonder if they have the guide for the PNW version. :unsure:
  18. Mr Tonka

    Pic of the Day

    haha. I did a double take on that one myself. But I was out of the van because loaded down it had a difficult time getting over this little creek crossing. The back bumper caught on something and the driver was checking it out. Oh man, about 10,000' a day for 8 days, the pads were crying...
  19. Mr Tonka

    Pic of the Day

    it was quite different from the altitude I'd experienced elsewhere. Colorado at 11,000 some how fells worse than Cusco at 14,000. It was wild to experience the difference between high alpine in CO vs Peru. Peru seemed very easy to handle compared to CO. Maybe it was the humidity? Peru was...