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  1. Rus Ler

    Pic of the Day

    Coastal theme today
  2. Rus Ler

    Pic of the Day

    No ticks this far south fortunately but other bities I'd rather not associate with
  3. Rus Ler

    Pic of the Day

    Couple of hours north of home so I grabbed a motel near by, too old & grumpy to sleep on the ground these days
  4. Rus Ler

    Pic of the Day

    A couple of days in the bush. Took it fairly easy as if you come to grief out here, no one will find you until the buzzards start circling ☠️ Being spring, wildflowers are starting to emerge A few locals out enjoying the sun G'day Skip
  5. Rus Ler

    Pic of the Day

    No riding for me today due to storms, The Southern Ocean was a bit angry
  6. Rus Ler

    My Rail, Resting on Stuff

    Waiting patiently
  7. Rus Ler

    Pic of the Day

    Spent 3 days at Laggan in May(sans bike unfortunately)magnificent part of the world you have there.
  8. Rus Ler

    Pic of the Day

    Already washed & lubed (y) Not too many mountains hereabouts
  9. Rus Ler

    Pic of the Day

    Beach day for the 1st day of Spring And a few nesting Magpies swooping :mad: For the uninitiated Just another thing in Australia trying to kill you 😁
  10. Rus Ler

    EMTB Forums Members Map

    Added myself from Australia's Dairyland
  11. Rus Ler

    E-BIke Tow Ball rack

    I've got an ISI rack, heavy duty gear and an added bonus, I can transfer it to my caravan
  12. Rus Ler

    Total Hip Replacement and Riding

    Great your op went well, I'm 17 months post op having anterior replacement, up walking 12 hours later with NO pain(apart from 32 staples at the incision) Best advice is do all of your rehabilitation religiously and listen to your body not to over do exercise, strength will return. At 59, I'm in...
  13. Rus Ler

    What tyres? The Ultimate Tyre Thread

    Looking to replace my well worn Maxxis Rekon EVO 2.6 on my Rail 5. Riding is mostly dry hardpack so something easy rolling and long wearing, little in the way of muddy trails as we're starting to dry out down under.
  14. Rus Ler

    G'day from Down Under

    Thanks, it really took my eye when I saw it, a few other colour schemes didn't inspire me to want to ride them.
  15. Rus Ler

    G'day from Down Under

    New to E Mountain bikes not having ridden for 35 odd years. A hip replacement last years gave me a new lease on life so I bought a Trek Rail 5 which my local rural bike shop had in stock and very little others available. Loving riding however I'm a lowlander so beach rides and railtrails are my...